A Nice July Update

July has been an interesting month for many reasons. Since I do not live out my life on Twitter, Facebook, or even this blog, suffice it to say that I've been writing.

Writing code, short stories, and developing a few screenplays in an environment that is unfriendly to all of the above.

I live in a loud building.

And now for something interesting…

Pennsylvania may have been a blue state in the last few elections but that may change in this next election. Why? You ask. A new law that requires you to present a valid photo-ID when voting will quickly eliminate most of the non-eligible voters that have plagued PA elections in the past. That means no dead people will be voting, older folks who park their asses at home and haven't driven in years won't vote because they will be too lazy to obtain a new ID even though it's free if you tell PennDOT that you need it to vote, and younger lazy people and lazy people in general.

The cities are blue in PA but the rest of the state is not. It will be interesting to see how this election plays out but one thing you can be sure of is that mostly legitimate folks will be voting.

A seriously bad economy almost guarantees that a pet rock could win against Obama in November.
