Vacation 2017 – July 3, 2017

The Plan…

Today I am taking a road trip with my friend Kimberly.

I have no idea where we are going but that is ok. I plan to take a bunch of pictures.

I am also told that the local grocery store has a bar in it. No doubt, I will get pictures of that too.

Later this evening, we are going out to dinner somewhere and meeting up with some old friends.

From me podcast days, me thinks.

I’ll update this as the day goes on.

The Reality…

The first place we went to was a big chicken attached to a KFC. This won’t be around much longer (they are closing, I believe)

After that, it was breakfast at Marietta Diner. This place was huge and also as a point worth noting, they had a bar.

The next stop was taking a trip around the new Atlanta Braves stadium.

Then, we took a whole bunch of pictures of the old houses around Cartersville.

And then, we went to the biggest grocery store on the planet. Ok, at least Georgia, perhaps.

Ya’ll (Had to do it) cannot visit Cartersville without seeing the courthouse where they film all of the courthouse things in the movies.

We didn’t get any pictures of Henry’s. That is where we ate dinner.
