Go-Live Weekend

Well, the time has finally arrived. After several delays — this weekend should mark the dawn of a new WMS where I work.

I think we’re all ready to just get this thing overwith — already.

I’m not sure how much posting I’ll do. I came up with a great short story idea a couple of days ago and I plan to write that out.

I may also post a short story I wrote a couple of years ago about a “space mishap” and a stranded Marine.

Hope everyone enjoys the fabulous weekend weather!

Update: 3:00 pm – The process seems to be taking a little longer than anticipated. We don’t anticipate being able to start anything until at least 7:00 pm. We’ll have another update at 6:00 pm.

Update: Sunday Afternoon – 3:17 pm. We have completed the upgrade and are moving forward with our configuration. I had a straight 36 hours of being awake. Time for bed.

Update: Wednesday Morning – April 16, 2018 – 2:19 am. We’ve been using our new system since Saturday. It is not without it’s flaws but we are pounding through it. Monday and Tuesday have been mostly mission critical patches and we still have a few of those but we’re getting through the problems. I’m not surprised by any of our issues. They are pretty standard pain points in any upgrade. The folks on the project have been wonderful and I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of co-workers.

Update: Sunday Morning – April 22, 2018 – 10:19 am – We are almost finished getting to a stable state. Only a few more things to work out. It has been a very long week.
