Weekly Short Story: Update

I fell behind on this project pretty quickly. I spent the day yesterday writing two new stories so that I would be caught up with my personal commitment. I had been two weeks behind.

There are a couple of points I’d like to make regarding these stories.

The first point is that I have personally committed to writing a story a week for the next year. The first story was released on 9/23/23 so I expect this project to be completed on 9/23/24. With the xtra work I put in yesterday, I am back on schedule. I also believe that the two stories were really good ideas. I like the way they turned out and I hope you do as well.

The second point is that these are written very quickly. They may contain grammatical errors. Sometimes, they get by me. I try to put out a quality piece of work but I am my own editor. That is horrible but it’s what I’ve got.

These stories are a lot of fun to write. I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am.

Thank you.
