Company Leaks

Apple has had a really hard time to leaks to the press or other sources before a major announcement.

There are a lot of people that thrive on rumors and want to speculate about what the next big thing will be.

These same people may also not understand why leaking things to the public ahead of an event is bad.

If I am an engineer and I have worked to develop a product that I am proud of. Even if it’s something I am not entirely proud of, the fact remains that I’ve probably put a lot of time and effort into it.

I think as the engineer, I deserve to be able to present the work I’ve done my way. In Apple’s case, it would be a big press event. I should think that I am the person who deserves to show what I’ve done to others and not some publication, journalist, or an armchair technology quarterback.

When you release this information ahead of the engineering team’s expectation, you are literally robbing them of their moment in the sun. A moment that is sorely and richly deserved. They earned it. The person who writes about the leaked information has not earned anything. They were given information that can either chose to act on or chose to not act on. It is entirely their decision.

The person who releases the information has malicious intentions whether they feel that they do or not. That information is not yours to present. You didn’t “earn” the right to do so.

And that, makes the leakers and the people that present those leaks to the public lower then dog shit on the evolutionary scale.
