Politics Light – Multiple Parties

First of all, I’d like to apologize for writing about politics on my website. I promise you that it is not going to a deep dive into which political party is better and why you should choose one over the other.


This quick article is about why I believe we need to get rid of the two party system and go with something like Israel has. I believe Japan might also have a similar model.

With more choices everyone wins.

Multiple parties make it less about “us versus them” and makes it more solidly about the issues themselves.

There are two things I believe are so simple in politics that the fact that they really aren’t is proof positive that the system is broken.

1. Multiple party system
2. Flat Income Taxes. Either 5% or 10% would get the job done and everyone pays their fair share which cannot be argued if everyone pays 10%.

Those two things are painfully obvious to me.

Ok. Enough about that shit.
