Lifestyle Changes


You should never make a lifestyle change based on an idea, a theory, or a principle that doesn’t pass through a common sense filter or doesn’t seem logical.

Case in point:

Which do you think is healthier, butter or margarine? Butter is made out of natural ingredients and margarine is not.

Which do you think is healthier, Sweet and Low or sugar?

There is a synergy between human beings and their environment. We co-exist and nourish each other. Life is ongoing and always moving. When our bodies die, we provide nutrients to the plants and animals around us.

With that being said, does it really make sense to put anything in your body that doesn’t come from nature?

I believe that diabetes is a common problem because we eliminated a natural element from our diet at some point. It’s the law of intended consequences. We make a change to one area and end up inadvertently effecting something else.

If you combine what I’ve just said with “so-called” medical advances that are loosely based on proper scientific procedures and methods then you can easy see how much trouble we’re in.

The human life span isn’t growing. It’s receding. It’s getting smaller.

The more unnatural crap we put in our bodies the closer to the end we’ll be.

Ok, I’m done ranting now.

What started this? The guy in the office next to mine is into making smoothies. Healthy smoothies or so he tells me. He puts mix into it that looks like concrete and it made me wonder how healthy the whole thing could actually be.

Remember folks, all of this health crap is relatively new. It has not really been time tested. “I’ve been doing this for 30 years!” Ah, NO you haven’t.
