Mike Williams

Fire Drills

This is a mini vent.

During the winter, I wear shorts. Crazy? Probably.

The company I work for always feels a need to run a fire drill in the middle of winter when the temperature is minus 10.

During the summer when it’s beautiful and warm outside…

…(insert cricket sounds here)


Blogging Software for iPad

I’ve been looking around for a piece of software that works like MarsEdit for the iPad.

So far, all I have is an application called “WordPress.” I got it for the iPhone originally but when I got the iPad, the software “moved” over an then seemed to adapt to the iPad screen with no screen doubling. Weird.

I have problems with this software.

It’s not very intuitive and doesn’t do the basic blogging necessities very well. Things like adding a link to some text or just adding a picture.

I’ve just seen something on the app store called Blogsy.

I’ll have to download that one and let you know about it.

What would really be neat and cool would be a MarsEdit version for the iPad.

A Nano Regression?

Most folks who are “geeky” enough (like me) tend to buy the latest iPod when Apple releases them.

I remember when I bought my first iPod. Apple has come a long way since then. The designs have gotten better, the storage capacity has grown, they’ve added cameras, and even a radio.

Until the last Nano. They made this one small, square, and have given it a touch screen. Ok, that’s cool.

Apple ipod nano 16gb mp3 player 6th generation latest model blue largefrontimage 320w

However, it doesn’t play video and it doesn’t have a camera. Oh yeah, it doesn’t have an external speaker (all features of the previous version).

HT1353 nano5g

But, you can wear it like a watch.

4950716859 40cbfd92c0

Ok, cool.

I’ve gotten the 16 gig version of the last design and the latest design. I can’t help feeling that I’ve paid the same amount of money for less of a product.

Like the 3.5″ floppy drive in the old iMacs, perhaps this is Apple’s way of saying that we don’t need those things in a Nano.

The iPad and Franklin Covey

Sad iPad

I’m thinking the two should meet sometime.

Ok, let’s tie this together and I’ll tell you a short story.

Many years ago a friend of mine introduced me to the Franklin Planner system. Along with exposing to the art of planning and being proactive about your day he also had gotten a set of 3 tapes with his planner (back then, Franklin Planner sold you a day planner along with the training materials for it. I know. Nuts). These tapes were never transferred to a more modern medium like CDs. I know. I spent a crap load of time looking for them.


I was playing around on Amazon one day and found someone who had a used set of the very tapes I was looking for. I bought them and using a tape deck and a line input on my iMac, I soon has these tapes in a new CD format. Ahhh…Hyrum Smith and his training seminar lives.

But wait. New problem.

I haven’t owned a Franklin Day Planner in about 3 years. Bad Mike.

Yesterday, I listened to all 4 hours of the seminar.

There are no comparable software programs written for the iPad. It seems a natural fit. That’s my gripe this morning.

If I want the software for the iPad, I’m going to have to write it.

I can’t believe that not even Franklin Covey has written a descent software app for the iPad.

Before you ask, I won’t be allowed to sell the software I’m writing. I wish I could share it but I’m sure the powers that be at FC will get sue happy over software they didn’t authorize.

Oh yeah, I saw the software FC has for the iPhone. It has gotten lousy reviews and the planning piece hasn’t been updated or supported in two years. Bad FC.

Update: (04/05/11) I broke down and bought a new planner from FC.

A Novel Idea

This is the first post I’ve written from my iPad.

We are going to be having internet work here at our office building so I thought I would test the iPad and see how the WordPress app works.

Typing on an iPad is a heck of a lot better than typing on an iPhone or iPod Touch.

Just sayin’

iPad 2 News

In my area of Lancaster, this is how the iPad2 sales went down…

Best Buy – A few iPads to sell. How many? I never got the number but there was no chance of getting one. It looked like about 10 people in a small line in the back of the store. No signage and just a very weird “vibe.” It felt like Best Buy just sold the few they had to close friends and relatives.

Wal-Mart – One of the area Wal-Mart stores we stopped at only had 2 iPads to sell. That’s right. Two.

The Lancaster Apple store. A line that took forever to get to the end of and when I did…

…I was greeted by an Apple employee who said, “Oh, Hi Mr. Williams. I hope you aren’t here for the iPad2 ’cause we’re sold out.”

First. I frequent the store so often that the employees actually DO know me by my name.

Second. The store sold out of the iPad2 in less than 1 hour.

What kind of crazy ^*^&^$&( is this?