Mike Williams

Mac Migration Tip

If you are planning on buying a new Mac and want to move your account to the new machine I have a quick piece of information to consider before doing so.

Are you moving the account from the same “type” of Mac?

In other words, are you moving your account from an older iMac to a newer one? If so, you should be fine.

If you migrate across different types of Macs then beware, bad things could happen.

I have migrated from a Mac Mini to a MacBook Pro to an iMac.

What is the problem, you ask?

My airport wireless doesn’t work and the bluetooth mouse jumps all over the place.

I booted the machine up from a restore disk and both the wireless and bluetooth work fine.

Somewhere, as I was moving my account among these different machines, I picked up a bad file or bad files that prevent the wireless from working and screw with the bluetooth port.

This weekend I plan on a “regen” of my new iMac.


Leaving Twitter

I haven’t used Twitter since the superbowl.

It reminded me that I don’t use it much because I think it robs the hard core users of precious time. Time they could be using for something else like..oh, I don’t know spending time with real actual people perhaps.

Rather than being a mere tool, to some people I know Twitter is a way of life. A major portion of their day includes Twitter. To me, this is a serious problem.

I prefer to spend the time with my girls in a more face to face fashion. Emailing someone who lives in your house or telling your kids that its time for dinner by posting a message on Facebook is a major failing.

The idea that you can be “plugged in” to everything going on and still have a functioning family life is an illusion.

chipheadmike is no longer a functioning Twitter handle and I’m ok with that.

Update: (03.05.2011) Still NOT using Twitter. Universe still here.

All Consuming…Work

Wow. I just took notice that it has been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything.

That’s because I’ve been extremely busy and not in a good way. I think there is a problem when your day is so consumed with your “day job” and then “podcasting” at night that you hardly even notice that you’ve failed to update your own website.

There for a short while, I was at least able to find something funny during the day to post.

Lately, I haven’t even had time to check my personal and radio station emails.

I will need to make appropriate adjustments.

There are times in our lives when we need to realize that no one deserves our time more than ourselves.

Telephone Hatred


Anyone who really knows me well can tell you that I hate the telephone. I always have and probably always will. Why? You may ask.

Because I am a writer, that’s why.

Telephones make noise. They break your line of thought just by ringing. It can be an intrusion into a delightful storyline that you just lost track of because..the GD phone just rang!

Many of my friends laughed at me when I accepted a job as a customer service rep for a medical supply company simply because they knew of my animosity for the telephone. “Why on God’s green green earth would you accept a job that heavily relies on you answering a telephone?” my girlfriend at the time asked. As she can still attest, getting Mike on the other end of a phone was tricky at best.

When someone calls you on a telephone it forces you to turn your attention towards them. To hell with what you were doing previously, you must now completely change your train of thought to deal with whomever has called. We go from a developing story about an interstellar battle to a conversation about dinner plans for Saturday night. For someone who has trouble with multi-tasking (e.g. me), this can be a big problem.

That is why I hate the telephone.