Mike Williams

The Digital Voting Bust

This story caught my eye on Slashdot. It seems that voter turnout in a recent election dramatically dropped. To the tune of 83%.

From the original story

For the first time, Oahu voters had to use computers or the telephone to vote for their neighborhood board candidates and many people did not bother.
About 7,300 people voted this year, compared to 44,000 people who voted in the last neighborhood board race in 2007.

It begs the question as to whether or not this demonstrates some degree of voter fraud? Wouldn’t that be funny?

A Quick Note

*** Concerning the Brass Balls Radio website ***

We are doing some “behind the scenes” transitioning. Some of the show links will not work. This is only temporary. ALL effected links will be fixed by the end of the day.

Thanks for your patience.

Mike Williams
Producer / Brass Balls Radio

Major Changes

Due to monetary concerns, I’ve been forced to cut shows from my server. That means 2 less shows than I was working on (in part). It was a lot of work for absolutely no return.

One of the shows was a personal show that I really liked with a catchy title and all of that.

The other show was taken over by a partner. The show wasn’t making any money and I wasn’t getting any financial help with domain name, server bills, or finishing off shows (artwork, mp3 tags, uploading, iTunes, etc.)

I have one show that actually makes enough money to pay for an announcer and cover some of the server costs we have. I’m keeping that show.

Cutting shows from your line up and your life is tough. Cutting friends hurts as well.

In the end, it all comes down to our bottom dollars.

A New Look

I’ve decided that it was high time I changed some code and reconfigured a few things ’round here.

This theme is called “Abrasive.” I like it.

Stuck In The Studio


I haven’t really written anything thats of any use in quite some time. Reason? I’ve been on overload in the Radio Station and in the editing studio.

I have recently moved and of course, that means new place, new internet connection, trial and error of existing equipment, and so many other little details.

If I just worked both jobs there would be no time for me. No time to watch the season finale of CSI: Miami or head out to the new Star Trek movie.

I still believe in “producing” content rather then “consuming” it. I always like to listen to other podcasts to find out how the shows I produce stack up against my internet peers. The time for me to do so is seriously limited. Perhaps if I could listen to my iPod at my “day” job? Hmmmmm.

I have chosen to do the aforementioned things because Mike needs a little downtime. I need time to sit down and watch a flick and enjoy a beverage.

Did I mention at least 12 miles a day of “mountain biking?”

In all of this go go go I have still found some time to be listening to the 5th book in David Weber’s Honor Harrington series while I wait for his next release in the “Safehold” series.

Some recent audiobooks I’ve listened to are…

The Google Story
Run for Your Life
The Forever War
Pandora’s Star
The Shack (continuously listening)

Now. I’d like to grab my soapbox and rant for a minute or two.

About what? You ask.

Science. Modern Science. If that is what you can truly call it.

I truly believe that in some parts, the scientific method is a dead art form. It seems my landlord and I are continuously arguing about the finer points of science. I consider myself a scientist as is he even though our political views are radically opposed.

I think every generation has said that they are living in the end times. I will not make that claim here. What I will say is that it needs to happen as soon as possible.

I remember when a scientific announcement of any kind was a large deal. We had a theory or a postulation that had to be proven or disproven before any scientific announcement was made. We call this the scientific method. It is the basis for most of our underlying scientific principles. Today, we see one conclusion one week and an entirely opposite one the next week.

Human arrogance has grown to a point where the science has become general babel. In the case of manmade global warming, a handfull of scientists who supposedly agree with backing from the U.N. have declared that man is killing the earth and must be stopped or slowed. That is unfortunate.

Scientists rarely agree on anything. They can’t even predict the weather and yet they want me to believe in something that has turned into a mere cult.

Every single day I see another story about how much global warming is a big load of crap. I hope this trend continues.

We need the planet killing asteroid. I welcome it. If it prevents the spread of this type of garbage then I’m all for it. I guess man made global warming would be a lot less of a problem if there simply wasn’t anyone around to enjoy it.

As a society, we have become too complacent, too arrogant, and incredibly stupid.

What’s next, they’ll tell us that people aren’t the problem but that guns are?

Oops. Yeah. Big. Asteroid. Now.

Rainy Wednesday

That describes the condition outside.

Just rain.

And lots of it.

And PA will still turn around and tell everyone that we are in a drought.

They do it every year.

It’s like tradition now or something.