Mike Williams

Gmail Turns 5


As a Gmail user, I congratulate Google on coming up with an email system that doesn’t suck.

See the whole press release here.

Five years ago yesterday, Gmail starting giving people a gig. What started as an internal tool for Google employees is now used by tens of millions of people around the world in 52 languages.

In honor of the occasion, you may have noticed a little cake on the Gmail homepage today.

BSG: Daybreak, Part 3

I had no idea there would be or was a part 3.

My bad.

All that bad stuff I’ve been saying about Ron Moore…

…I take it back.

Part 3 answered questions and was a brilliant ending to the series.

Yeah, I said it.

BSG: Daybreak, Part 2

Stupid. Only makes sense if you smoke a lot of pot.

Closure? Ah, none.

That can’t be the very last episode can it?

Humans: Give us Hera back.

Cylons: Give us resurrection back.

Humans: Deal.

Cylons: Deal.

The end.

The Curious Case of…

…common sense.

I’ve been saying for as long as I can remember that removing essential foods from our diet is more likely to have a negative impact than the positive impact the industry who makes fake butter (for instance) is hoping to achieve.

We remove butter from our diet because we think it’s bad for us without ever realizing that butter contains a basic component that we require to live a healthy life. With that being said, I give you the “cure” for peanut allergies.

What’s the cure? You ask.

Peanuts. Imagine that.

The new therapy works similarly to allergy shots, which haven’t proved safe against food allergies. Exposure to increasing amounts of peanut flour gradually builds up tolerance. Blood tests show that the immune system begins to ignore the peanut flour instead of attacking it.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

BSG: Daybreak, Part 1

Getting down to the last Battlestar Galactica episode has become a painful television experience.

Daybreak isn’t a bad episode at all. I really enjoyed the Caprica flashback that showed Laura Roslin’s family tragedy and find myself wondering if there will be any relevance in the end.

The last episode will be shown this week and in all honesty, I may just completely forget to watch it.

I find myself wondering what Starbuck is. I guess the two questions that will need to be answered are the Starbuck thing and what Hera means to all of this. Does Starbuck’s song have anything to do with the ending or what she is? Ok, that’s a third question.

This show had real promise in the beginning even with flipping the sex of two characters and changing the race of another. Baltar was not the Baltar he was in the original series and this showing makes you almost feel sorry for him.

Colonel Tigh used to be black, dependable as all get out, and a straight shooter not a white alcoholic who later finds out that he’s a Cylon married to another Cylon.

Was it symbolic to bring Richard Hatch into the series only to shoot him as a traitor a few episodes back? Wow.

Liberalism is a very dark place. A very liberal type penned this inclination of a great story and drove the concepts, characters, and storyline into the ground while making you feel so bad about yourself at the same time.

The only reason that I would ever give Ronald Moore another franchise to work with would be if my intention was well, to kill it.

“Gimme a f*cking break”

Funny stuff.

via the Examiner

Vice President Joe Biden was caught saying the dreaded f-word on a “hot mic” on Friday, speaking to a former Senate colleague who called him “Mr. Vice President.” Biden is heard to say “gimme a f*cking break.”

If you click on the link above, you can hear an audio clip of what he said. Sounds like Mark Levin found it.