Mike Williams

Meanwhile in New Hampshire…

…the whole entire state’s population was involved in a 50 car pile up.

That’s right. There’s only about 50 people living in New Hampshire. Everybody knows it. 🙂

from CNN

(CNN) — More than 50 vehicles — including a bus carrying Boy Scouts — collided in a massive pileup on a snow-swept New Hampshire interstate Sunday, closing the highway in one direction, authorities and witnesses said.



USS George H.W. Bush Commissioned


Not lost on any other news outlet (in my newsreader anyway) is the following BIG event happening today. Neither Google nor Time nor Washington Times nor New York Times or any other major news outlet had anything to say about this at all.

NORFOLK, Va. — President George W. Bush landed Saturday on the USS George H.W. Bush, a new aircraft carrier named after his father — the ultimate honor for a decorated Navy pilot from World War II.

I am ex-Navy so I guess I think this is a big deal.

Thanks to FoxNews for making this the big deal it should be.

Quote of The Day

I found this quote here while I was looking for something else entirely.

David Henry Thoreau once wrote (among many other things, prolific bastard): “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”


New Twitter Background

I was playing with Photoshop this morning because I saw that my Twitter background was a tad bit out of date. I started the Residentchiphead site as a way to showcase tech stuff that interested me but I quickly came to realize that so many people were doing a better job than I was so I decided to stop posting there. Sad. But true.


Happy New Year and What If…

…cancer cell consumption is triggered by RF, Infared, and or microwave energy?

I don’t think cancer is caused by any ONE thing. Remember the first Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson? The Joker positioned people by using a combination of chemicals which used by themselves were harmless. When used together, they became deadly. I think the cancer condition is caused in much the same way.

That also explains why it’s so hard to cure. Finding one element is hard enough but finding three? And, they have to be the RIGHT three. And what if it’s more than three?

I woke up with this thought in my head.

Happy New Year.


I caught a bit of demogirl (Molly MacDonald) on TWiF. She actually goes through the trouble of showing you interesting stuff on the internet and how you can take advantage of it. Have you ever found a plugin and didn’t know how to install and use it? That’s what demogirl does.


*** My apologies. After updating the site today, I noticed that I forgot to add the link to Molly’s website. Oops. ***