I haven’t blogged anything since Monday.
Bad. Bad. Mike
Found this article in the New York Daily News this morning…
A suspicious fire has torn through the church attended by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who apologized if the blaze was related to her White House run.
Palin, Republican John McCain’s running mate, was not at the church during the Friday night fire that caused about $1 million damage.
A small group of women and children were in the Wasilla Bible Church doing crafts when the blaze was set at the building’s entrance. The group escaped when a fire alarm sounded, Pastor Larry Kroon said.
Palin spokesman Bill McAllister said the governor visited Saturday and “told an assistant pastor that she apologizes if the incident is in any way connected to the undeserved negative attention the church has received since she became a vice presidential candidate on Aug. 29.”
The church draws as many as 1,000 worshipers on a Sunday.
I would hate to think that people are so bitter over an election that probably ended up the way they wanted it to that they think they would need to burn down a church of God to send a message.
Today was not a great day for news where my friends are concerned.
One of my friends is having “relationship” related issues while another friend is facing grave charges that I feel are absolutely false and unsubstantiated.
Tonight. I will pray for my friends.
I don’t hang out with bad people. When I hear about problems that my friends are having I am forever reminded of what a high class of people they truly are. They don’t deserve the hardships they face.
Keep your heads up!
It will get better.
A: The Federal Government.
from BusinessWeek…
The U.S. faces a cybersecurity threat of such magnitude that the next President should move quickly to create a Center for Cybersecurity Operations and appoint a special White House advisor to oversee it. Those are among the recommendations in a 44-page report by the U.S. Commission on Cybersecurity, a version of which will be made public today. The bipartisan panel includes executives, high-ranking military officers and intelligence officials, leading specialists in computer security, and two members of Congress.
The answer for any type of new problem as far as a liberal is concerned is BIGGER government. If the private sector is cutting jobs don’t worry. The Feds will just create more new government jobs.
Problem solved. Not.
I just changed the theme. It’s Japan-esk. I like it.
I was looking around the web today and found it quite by accident.
I think I’ll leave it up for a while.
I’m working on writing code for a brand new website for my aunt and uncle’s church.
It’s a big project. I suffer from the pretense that a church website HAS to be better than most other websites out there. I’ve thought about it a bit more and realize that I’m approaching this from the wrong angle.
Because it’s a foursquare church website. Because it’s my aunt and uncle’s church. Of course, it’s going to be a great website.
Silly programmer.