Mike Williams
Inner Monologue
Me: What are you thinking about eating for lunch today.
Me: Pool.
Me: Excellent choice sir. (voice of a butler)
State of the Mike
I haven’t written a 15 in the AM post in quite a long time. Gee, what to write about…
I walked outside this morning to drain my pool. In the process, poison found me and my leg and arm are itching. I do not like poison.
I can’t believe how much junk was in my home office drawers. Ok. Maybe, I can imagine it since I am obviously the one who put it there.
Cats are extortionists. They just are.
Netflix is making a movie out of the Gray Man book series. I recently added these to my Audible collection. Although I haven’t read them yet, a co-worker says they are good. The Russo brothers are directing which makes the movie prospect even better.
I have to work on a clients computer system today. I don’t know if I’d classify it as a fun time because of all of the added security in macOS. I could get frustrated and want to throw something.
Did I mention that I have a pool and I like it? Sure, I have to drain it and clean it every few weeks but who cares? It is a pool!
That is all I have for now. These are fun for me.
100 Days of SwiftUI – Update
The very first part of the course is usually done in a linear fashion using the website. However, I took there first part of the course on my iPad app which handles it a little differently.
That being said, there will be a jump from Day 10 to Day 16.
You are not imagining things and I am not really skipping around.
Onward and upward…and possibly backwards, at times.
Europe’s Extortion of Apple 2016 to 2020
I’ve written on this subject in the past so I won’t go on about it.
#EUGeneralCourt annuls the decision taken by the @EU_Commission regarding the Irish #TaxRulings in favour of @Apple #Apple #EUCommission #StateAid pic.twitter.com/KoF6r1n82S
— EU Court of Justice (@EUCourtPress) July 15, 2020
The original context of this post is here.
The European Union decided back in 2016 that Apple wasn’t paying Ireland enough in taxes even though Ireland clearly said they were. Apple initially lost the ruling and has been paying the taxes into an escrow account.
Today, it was announced that they won their appeal.
I’m so happy that someone else recognized that the EU’s ecomomy shouldn’t rest of the shoulders of everyone else, including the companies of the United States. The very companies that invented most of your creature comforts. Yes. I went there.
It would be so cool if everyone else turned around and sued the EU for being total toolbags.