Mike Williams

Broken Promises

Picture from Windows Central

I have been looking forward to the Minecraft 4k upgrade on xBox One X for about 2 years. That was already problematic for me. I’m used to Apple making an announcement and then delivering on it shortly thereafter. Mojang doesn’t follow that example and chooses to announce things that don’t really exist for consumers, promise that they’ll have it by a certain date, and then simply not deliver it. From Engadget…

Minecraft‘s big Super Duper Graphics Pack is no more after two years of delays. Mojang has cancelled the visual overhaul after deciding that it was “too technically demanding” to implement. The developers “aren’t happy” with the upgrade’s performance across platforms, and chose to axe the project rather than offer inconsistent quality.


Pretty sure it wasn’t the developers that chose to axe the project.

Guess I should start learning how to mod the game.

School Begins Near Castle Nerda

image from Patch.com

It makes absolutely “NO” sense to me to start school right before the Labor Day holiday. Why bring students back just to give them days off? Why not just start the year uninterrupted? Warwick is the only local school district that understands that idea year after year. They are at the bottom of the list below.

SCHOOL START DATES (via Lancaster Online – No link – paid service)

• Columbia Borough
• Cocalico
• Lancaster Mennonite
• Pequea Valley
• Donegal
• Conestoga Valley
• Lampeter-Strasburg
• Lancaster Country Day School
• Penn Manor
• Hempfield
Aug. 26
• Eastern Lancaster County
• Elizabethtown Area (first through 12th)
• Ephrata Area
• Lancaster (ninth districtwide and K-8 at Martin)
• Manheim Central
• Manheim Township (first through 12th)
• Octorara Area
• Solanco
Aug. 27
• Lancaster (10th through 12th districtwide and seventh and eighth at Hand, Lincoln, Reynolds and Wheatland middle schools)
• Lancaster Catholic High School
• Manheim Township (kindergarten)
Aug. 28
• Elizabethtown Area (kindergarten)
Sept. 4
• Warwick (first through
Sept. 5
• Warwick (kindergarten)

The Great Bear Thing of 2019

via LNP

Update 10:15 a.m. — The elusive black bear of Lancaster city has finally been caught. 
The bear, which had climbed up a tree in the backyard of a residential property on West Chestnut Street near North Mary Street Thursday morning, was tranquilized by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. 
Shortly thereafter, the subdued bear fell out of the tree. 

Lancaster Online

New MacOS Catalina Screensaver

This is one of the new attractions coming in the next release of MacOS. Catalina reminds me of the Mountain Lion upgrade where mostly everything broke for me as a podcaster. Audio is the life blood of an audio podcast. I remember having to boot off an external drive with Lion on it just so I could continue to produce shows. The audio problem was corrected at almost the .3 release. Good times, indeed. Not. 🙁

New Screensaver Drift