Mike Williams

Stephen King’s IT

Went to see the movie last night with a couple of co-workers.

I am obviously not going to write a detailed review. I am not very good at that. I will say that I think it was a little better than the first version. If I recall, that was a mini-series that lasted about six hours.

One of the guys made a comment before we went in the theatre “Geez, if the first IT was 6 hours how long is this going to be?”

Running time was a bit over 2 hours.

Nice job and I would recommend IT. Pun intended. 🙂

The Lititz Balloon Incident of 2017 was a nice touch.

New MacBook Pro

I am expecting a new laptop to arrive soon. The last time I bought a new Apple laptop was all the back in 2009.

I think the touch bar is what did it for me. The laptop I am using right now was given to me in exchange for a Mac mini. It is a good and solid laptop but I felt it was time for a new one.

I’ll post more about it when I actually have it.

Update: MacBook Pro arrived yesterday. I ran into a hiccup as a result of me using High Sierra to make my Time Machine backups. The new computer was using Sierra and thus, would not recognize the Time Machine backup for Migration Assistant. I upgraded the laptop to High Sierra and proceeded from there. The restore ran overnight and the only issue I have now is that I have two accounts under my name on this computer. Not bad overall. My old laptop is going to a good home. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The Apple Developer website was down for a couple of hours so I had to wait for a while before I could install High Sierra.

Microsoft Outlook Kudos

I noticed a small issue with Outlook 2010. I use it at my day job. If I compose a message but decide not to send it, I’ll choose to delete the draft. Outlook marks the message as “unread” and then puts it in the trash.

Because I may suffer from a touch of OCD, seeing that there was an unread message in my trash bothered me.

I tweeted about it.

The Outlook team responded.

That is cool.

Minecraft Greek-i-ness Edition

I have been working on a flat world. The idea is that this is the perfect foundation for a city. I started with a small area and realized that a “monorail” would be cool and then kinda of started taking it from there. Here are some screen shots from my Greece-like area.

Minecraft Weirdness

The follow picture is a building I have constructed in Minecraft. I sealed up the building when I created it. The only way inside is by going through doors you have to open (they are not automatic). My question is how do horses end up on top of my structure? There is no logical way for them to be up there and yet, there they are.


I am really slacking on posting. It is amazing how little time I get to do these types of things when I am on my regular schedule.

I plan on updating the vacation posts this weekend.


Vacation 2017 – July 8, 2017

The Plan…

This is the last full day of vacation in the great state of Georgia. We are planning to see a couple of sites today along with some kitten rescue work/relocation. Tonight we plan on having dinner at Ate Track. They feature a bunch of eight track players all about the restaurant. I plan on taking a ton of pictures while there.


Vacation 2017 – July 7, 2017

The Plan…

No big plans today. It is a work day for everyone here. I am catching up on some Lynda courses about photography.

The Reality…

My friend took me to see the Tellus Museum. I took 97 photos and below are just a few of them.

Vacation 2017 – July 6, 2017

The plan…

Today, a friend and I are planning to visit an eatery that features grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. After that, the plan is to go to Guitar Center (I’ve never been to one) and look at some audio equipment.

The reality…

We actually went to Tom + Chee and I had a most excellent sandwich. Crispy Garlic Chicken. Highly recommended. We stopped at a potential site for a hike as well. Those pictures follow…