Blah Blah Blah

What Today Feels Like

Today feels like…

…we’ve been chased around the neighborhood by a bully who has a large super soaker. He is shooting everyone he finds.

Everyone is wet and no one is happy.

Then, one morning the old man down the street sticks out his leg as the bully runs by. The bully trips and falls and breaks both legs.

In fact, the bully becomes paralyzed. He can no longer run around terrorizing anyone.

Everybody is relieved that they will no longer be soaked by the bully.

The old man is a hero.

The inauguration today. It’s like that.

Wonder Woman 1984

I am not watching Wonder Woman 1984.

It’s not that I don’t like the franchise. I think Gal Gadot is perfect for the role. I loved the first movie.

I’m not watching Wonder Woman because I can NOT BUY Wonder Woman. I don’t give a fuck about HBO Max and I’m not signing up just so I can watch one fucking movie. It is fucking ridiculous.

I was completely shocked that for the first time in a very long time, I couldn’t just BUY a movie.

Fuck you Hollywood. If that is the business model you want to go with good luck with that.

I will always gladly either watch or rent a movie but I sure as fuck won’t be made to use a service that I wouldn’t otherwise piss on just to watch a goddamn movie.

Warner Media can eat a bag of dicks for all I give a fuck. They completely ruined the experience for me.

You want to vindicate yourself?

Let people buy it. You fucksticks.

I’m not bitter. Just have a strong opinion on this one folks.

Earth to reach temperature tipping point in next 20 to 30 years

Good article about something that hasn’t happened yet and may not happen. Written as a doom and gloom document, I don’t think there is any doubt about what this article says. I believe it.

Unfortunately, unless we address the population issues there is nothing we can do about any of this. You can’t have it both ways. You cannot keep increasing the population and stop the environmental impact too.

This article gets it right in that it presents the problem. I would also like to see articles like this propose a realistic solution.



We all plan. All of the time.

We may not know that we are doing it but we do. When you get up in the morning, you may have thought to yourself that you’ll visit an old friend.

You don’t necessarily tell anyone but you just stop by his house for a visit.

I don’t like that.

I don’t like it because you knew that you were going to do something and I think you have a basic obligation to let that person know that you are planning on stopping by.

I guess this is kind of a rant.

I’m not sure.

Environmental Misbehavior

This is a new term that I coined to explain what setting up a new computing environment is like. It is full of “environmental misbehavior.”

Nothing works right the first time in my world. There are way too many complexities. We can’t always think of everything and even though we rely on checklists more and more to make sure we don’t miss anything; we still do.

This post is really no more sophisticated than that.

The Big Bang Hang-Up

I saw an article this morning about a new telescope that is supposed to aid in our understanding of the “Big Bang” theory. You can read it here.

As an official scientific community armchair quarterback, I can honestly wonder to myself out loud “who gives a rat’s ass?” Our focus shouldn’t be on something that you are never going to solve in your lifetime. As a scientist, I think your focus should be on the here and now.

You are never going to understand the origins of something that you are completely removed from. The example I would use is someone who decides that he wants to clear a bunch of land on his farm. Cows are displaced. Will they ever know why? No. No they will not.

Why? You ask. Let’s assume for a moment that the cow has a mind of its own and can think rationally. Some dude in the next state over who happens to own the farm decided one day that he wanted to clear that particular patch of land. Is the reasoning cow ever going to know why he was displaced? Probably not.

The cow isn’t even near the source of information that might tell him why he was moved.

In the case of the “Big Bang” theory, we aren’t anywhere near anything that could help us figure out that level of detail. We would need to collect samples from other regions of the universe and so forth. We can’t do that.

Masculinity in the Modern Age

I don’t think that just because men do things that women do necessarily makes them gay.

The idea that men are supposed to be neanderthals sporting tremendous amounts of body hair and talking in the most gruff voice they can muster used to work ok in a certain period of time in human history.

I don’t think that is what modern men are or what they are supposed to be. Modern men are painting their nails. A great example of this is Penn Gillette. Watch his show and you’ll see that he’s got one nail painted orange/red. This symbolizes something but I don’t remember what exactly. What you may not notice is that the rest of his finger nails are painted as well. It is usually a shimmering white color.

That isn’t all. Men are wearing clothing that has traditionally been meant for women. They are shaving their body hair. In the last relationship I was in neither me nor my girlfriend had pubic hair. Why not? Seriously. Just try it. You won’t regret the affects.

When is the last time you heard about a “crabs” outbreak? Yeah, me neither. That is because so many people simply don’t have fucking pubic hair. It is disgusting and modern men and women realize that so they shave it off. That is something the ancient Egyptians discovered over 4000 years ago. The only hair on a female back then was on the top of her head.

A friend of mine has theorized that this is due to excess estrogen being placed back into the water supply by an excessive population of women. They flush their pads and tampons down the toilet and somehow the estrogen is making it back into our water supply. It is not a far fetched idea.

In conclusion, men have cocks and women have pussies. That is the true difference between men and women.

I don’t think it is any more complicated than that.