General Musings

Time for…

…a theme change!

Unfortunately for me, I actually paid for the previous theme. It had a lot of bells and whistles but all I really want or need is simplicity.

I already forgot the name of this theme but that is ok. It rocks.

I love you whatever your name is.

Aggressive Holiday

Am I the only one who plans a day off and packs it with more tasks than can be reasonably completed?

Probably not.

I feel like I am finally over the “VID” and am only now starting to get my energy back. Being Lethargic was a way of life for me for several weeks. I just didn’t really have the energy to do very much. It is a good thing I am a nudist so I didn’t have to worry about having the energy to get dressed. That was definitely not happening.

I have already knocked off a major project this morning.

Hopefully what this means for the blog is that I’ll be able to write again. I stopped when I got the “VID” and haven’t done much beyond writing in my journal. I can always seem to find the energy to write in that.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

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Excited for Rain

Yes. This is my personal blog and I write about weird shit from time to time.

If you are reading this then I am dragging you along for the ride. This post is about rain.

It is about my weird obsession with it during the summer months. Every time that I hear that it might rain, I stand at the ready.

For what?

You ask. Or, you don’t ask but I am going to tell you anyway.

I standby to run out in it. To ride my bike, walk around, jog, or just simply jump in my pool while it comes down. I love the summer rains.

Summer has always been my favorite time of the year but the rain makes everything even better.

Weird Series of Events

I would start this sentence with “so” except that every time you do, I think a small child dies somewhere.

I was on the fence about going to my brother’s funeral. Why? There are any number of reasons but the main reason is that there are people there. Anyone who knows me to any extent knows that I have a social anxiety problem. I’ve had it all of my life and the only times I ever tried to do anything “social” someone else pushed me to do it.

If left to my own devices, I’ll stay away from public events. It has absolutely nothing to do with COVID-19 although lets face it, the whole thing was great if you don’t like being around other people.

The morning of the funeral I was outside rounding up some pool supplies for the weekend. I’m getting read to shut the make-shift gate and I look up to see an SUV hitting his breaks right before he T-Bones another vehicle at the intersection in front of me.

I took this an a sign. A sign that I should possibly stay at home and not jump into a motor vehicle. I don’t drive because the law says I can’t. I don’t drive because I don’t want to drive. I fell out of love with it a long time and many trucker accidents ago.

My brother was killed in a single vehicle accident. He was driving and wasn’t wearing his seat belt. Everyone else was. They lived. He did not.

In summary, I know I haven’t put up a post in a couple of days. So, this is it.

Jesus. I used the word “so” to start that last sentence. I feel dirty.


I am tired.

That is why you are only getting a drive by post today.

The only thing I can complain about today is the weather. Only the afternoon weather. It rained all of the way into work and I fucking loved it.

Ok. That is all I got.


I am doing something today that I rarely do.


I am totally ok with staying in my own area and minding my own business as long as I can write, I’m happy. Sometimes, I have to get out of the comfort zone.

Hopefully, it will all work out in the end.

Hell Weekend Begins

I guess another term for it would be major system upgrade.

I’m not sure how much writing I’ll be able to do over the weekend but I am hoping to keep to the schedule.

I’ve gotten a brilliant idea to write a screenplay for my next big thing. I’m still working out what the movie would be about.