Molly can be found here.
General Musings
Words to Live By
Jimmie Bise says these two things quite a bit.
They are words to live by.
1. Be useful
2. Don’t be a jerk.
Simple, yet so profound.
The iPad and Franklin Covey
I’m thinking the two should meet sometime.
Ok, let’s tie this together and I’ll tell you a short story.
Many years ago a friend of mine introduced me to the Franklin Planner system. Along with exposing to the art of planning and being proactive about your day he also had gotten a set of 3 tapes with his planner (back then, Franklin Planner sold you a day planner along with the training materials for it. I know. Nuts). These tapes were never transferred to a more modern medium like CDs. I know. I spent a crap load of time looking for them.
I was playing around on Amazon one day and found someone who had a used set of the very tapes I was looking for. I bought them and using a tape deck and a line input on my iMac, I soon has these tapes in a new CD format. Ahhh…Hyrum Smith and his training seminar lives.
But wait. New problem.
I haven’t owned a Franklin Day Planner in about 3 years. Bad Mike.
Yesterday, I listened to all 4 hours of the seminar.
There are no comparable software programs written for the iPad. It seems a natural fit. That’s my gripe this morning.
If I want the software for the iPad, I’m going to have to write it.
I can’t believe that not even Franklin Covey has written a descent software app for the iPad.
Before you ask, I won’t be allowed to sell the software I’m writing. I wish I could share it but I’m sure the powers that be at FC will get sue happy over software they didn’t authorize.
Oh yeah, I saw the software FC has for the iPhone. It has gotten lousy reviews and the planning piece hasn’t been updated or supported in two years. Bad FC.
Update: (04/05/11) I broke down and bought a new planner from FC.
A Novel Idea
This is the first post I’ve written from my iPad.
We are going to be having internet work here at our office building so I thought I would test the iPad and see how the WordPress app works.
Typing on an iPad is a heck of a lot better than typing on an iPhone or iPod Touch.
Just sayin’
First March Post
I’ve got nothing.
I did play “hooky” from the day job today.
That has to count for something damn it.
Mac Migration Tip
If you are planning on buying a new Mac and want to move your account to the new machine I have a quick piece of information to consider before doing so.
Are you moving the account from the same “type” of Mac?
In other words, are you moving your account from an older iMac to a newer one? If so, you should be fine.
If you migrate across different types of Macs then beware, bad things could happen.
I have migrated from a Mac Mini to a MacBook Pro to an iMac.
What is the problem, you ask?
My airport wireless doesn’t work and the bluetooth mouse jumps all over the place.
I booted the machine up from a restore disk and both the wireless and bluetooth work fine.
Somewhere, as I was moving my account among these different machines, I picked up a bad file or bad files that prevent the wireless from working and screw with the bluetooth port.
This weekend I plan on a “regen” of my new iMac.
Leaving Twitter
I haven’t used Twitter since the superbowl.
It reminded me that I don’t use it much because I think it robs the hard core users of precious time. Time they could be using for something else like..oh, I don’t know spending time with real actual people perhaps.
Rather than being a mere tool, to some people I know Twitter is a way of life. A major portion of their day includes Twitter. To me, this is a serious problem.
I prefer to spend the time with my girls in a more face to face fashion. Emailing someone who lives in your house or telling your kids that its time for dinner by posting a message on Facebook is a major failing.
The idea that you can be “plugged in” to everything going on and still have a functioning family life is an illusion.
chipheadmike is no longer a functioning Twitter handle and I’m ok with that.
Update: (03.05.2011) Still NOT using Twitter. Universe still here.
All Consuming…Work
Wow. I just took notice that it has been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything.
That’s because I’ve been extremely busy and not in a good way. I think there is a problem when your day is so consumed with your “day job” and then “podcasting” at night that you hardly even notice that you’ve failed to update your own website.
There for a short while, I was at least able to find something funny during the day to post.
Lately, I haven’t even had time to check my personal and radio station emails.
I will need to make appropriate adjustments.
There are times in our lives when we need to realize that no one deserves our time more than ourselves.
The Plan
The plan is to write a bunch of stuff this weekend. I’ve been a bit lacking there these past two weeks.
Bad blogger.