General Musings

Lifestyle Changes


You should never make a lifestyle change based on an idea, a theory, or a principle that doesn’t pass through a common sense filter or doesn’t seem logical.

Case in point:

Which do you think is healthier, butter or margarine? Butter is made out of natural ingredients and margarine is not.

Which do you think is healthier, Sweet and Low or sugar?

There is a synergy between human beings and their environment. We co-exist and nourish each other. Life is ongoing and always moving. When our bodies die, we provide nutrients to the plants and animals around us.

With that being said, does it really make sense to put anything in your body that doesn’t come from nature?

I believe that diabetes is a common problem because we eliminated a natural element from our diet at some point. It’s the law of intended consequences. We make a change to one area and end up inadvertently effecting something else.

If you combine what I’ve just said with “so-called” medical advances that are loosely based on proper scientific procedures and methods then you can easy see how much trouble we’re in.

The human life span isn’t growing. It’s receding. It’s getting smaller.

The more unnatural crap we put in our bodies the closer to the end we’ll be.

Ok, I’m done ranting now.

What started this? The guy in the office next to mine is into making smoothies. Healthy smoothies or so he tells me. He puts mix into it that looks like concrete and it made me wonder how healthy the whole thing could actually be.

Remember folks, all of this health crap is relatively new. It has not really been time tested. “I’ve been doing this for 30 years!” Ah, NO you haven’t.

Sex or Salad


This is something I was thinking about as a friend and I were engaged in conversation.

Friend: So, do you think you are losing your sex drive as you get older?

Me: I’m not sure.

Friend: So, let me put it another way. Would you rather have sex or a nice salad?

Me: It depends.

Friend: On what?

Me: Does the salad come with croutons?

Friend: Sure.

Me: What kind?

Friend: Italian.

Me: What kind of dressing?

Friend: Any kind you’d like.

Me: I want the salad.

Friend: You actually thought about it?

Me: I think croutons are a deal breaker. I’m liberal when it comes to salad dressing though.

Friend: What if the girl was Jessica Alba?

Me: She can’t have any of my salad.

Friend: (bangs head on table repeatedly)

What NOT to Do…

…if you are running for office.


Sending email after email after email is NOT the way to impress voters.

It IS however, how we go about pissing them off.

I hope Rick Scott loses. Badly.

It will serve him right.


Proposition 19

I personally have never been into pot. I friend of mine tried to get me to try it once. I took a puff. My face turned red. Nothing happened. Mystery is over. I never once thought about doing it again.

I don’t think it should be any more illegal than alcohol and that is about as much as I care about the issue.

Proposition 19 is about MORE than pot.

It’s about a states right to make and enforce its own rule of law.

This country was founded on that principle. The federal government was recognized as “barely necessary” and was written into our laws accordingly.

If California wants to make marijuana legal, they have every right to do so without federal interference. That also means that we don’t play the “you won’t get federal funding if you don’t play along” type of crap either.

States rights are the very foundation of these United States whether the fed likes it or not.

I think this fight will get a bit hairy.

It shouldn’t but it will.

If I were California, I’d arrest any federal officer who interfered with a state law if proposition 19 passes.

The last time I checked, state law is supposed to trump federal law.

If the fed doesn’t like that, the fed can suck it.

*** for more reading, check out this article on Reason. ***

The Combat Nap

Combat naps are supposed to last anywhere from 10 minutes to about an hour (if you’re really lucky).

I laid down to take a combat nap this afternoon.

I woke up around midnight.

If this were a field of battle, I’d either be dead or deep inside enemy territory as the line would have probably advanced around me.

Getting old sucks.

Help Desk Fun

You see, I have a slight problem.

My bandwidth settings on my websites are wrong and they need to be corrected. Because of a problem that is beyond my reach or ability to fix, I have submitted a help desk request to have this problem corrected.

So far, this is the way it’s going.

Me: Help Desk Ticket#1 Opened. I can not change my bandwidth up or down.

Them: Ok, here is what you do. Change your bandwidth of the biggest account down to 1 megabyte. Make sure the other accounts don’t exceed your maximum bandwidth and then change your biggest account back making sure not to exceed your bandwidth settings.

Me: Huh?

Them: Help Desk Ticket Closed.

Me: Huh? Um, I can not change my bandwidth settings up or down.

Them: Send us a detailed description of your issue with login instructions, what you click on, etc.

Me: Huh? Why?

Them: Help Desk Ticket #2 Closed.

Me: What? My issue isn’t fixed. Help Desk Ticket#3 Opened. Pictures and login information sent.

Update: Finally got someone who understood the problem and corrected it.

Now. The universe can continue.

Update#2 : The Strictly Right Mark Steyn podcast has become so popular that it’s hogging all of my bandwidth. No; I’m not providing a link. Re-read Update#2.