General Musings

Just Wondering…

…why my $%^^%## spell and grammar checker would ever doubt me?

The grammar is correct and it REALLY is used that way!!!!

Now, leave me alone and let me live my life.

Absent Friends

As most of you already know, I have 2 full time jobs.

Podcast Production (now married with terrestrial radio and management of a young ladies career) is one of those jobs and my regular day shift job is the other.

The day job was forced to lay-off a bunch of people on Friday and while we saw this coming, it still rings hard with a sense of dread, worry, and compassion for those folks who got walking papers. Let’s face it; getting laid off even 5 years ago is not the same as getting laid off under this economic climate. It’s bad. I can’t say that this is the worst business climate there has ever been because I only have my own frame of reference. The GDP numbers just released show only a 1.6% growth. I’ve never seen the GDP that low. The number simply means that country isn’t really growing economically and that’s really bad.

So, we worry. We worry about our friends and we worry about ourselves.

There might be a light at the end of the tunnel but so far we seem to be having trouble finding the entrance.

Cycling Safety

I very rarely even talk about this on my website but after seeing an article in my local paper this morning about the increasing number of motorcycle accidents perhaps, its time to say a few words.

To the riders: Don’t be stupid.

From LancasterOnline

Ten motorcyclists have died in crashes in about a four-week period in Lancaster County.

A watch repair technician died when his cycle ran off the road on a sunny morning near a Manheim Township neighborhood. Two 20-year-old buddies died when their motorcycle hit a tree that was downed during a summer storm one night in Martic Township.
And five friends, including two married couples, died in a crash after they collided with a van during a Sunday afternoon ride down Route 72.

So far this year, 14 motorcyclists have died in crashes.


Later on in the article (I suggest you read the whole thing) they ask a veteran rider about the things he does to keep safe on the road. It struck me that this man has the same philosophy that I do when it comes to intersections and driver behavior.

“If I come to an intersection and there’s a car sitting there, I assume he’s going to pull out in front of me, and I start slowing down and planning evasive action,” he said.

Why does he do that?

“Ninety percent of the time, they do pull out in front of you,” said Richard, who said his 128-member chapter distributes yard signs that say, “Look twice, save a life.”

While riding your bike, you are the captain of the ship and the one in control. Accidents are caused by assumptions. Not only do assumptions make “an ass out of you and me” but they can also get you killed. Never assume that the driver is just going to sit there while you cross an intersection. It’s a better bet that he won’t.

My rule of thumb is to make the car go first if it comes down to either of us waiting. I MAKE them go whether they blow their horn or wave me on; I simply can’t trust them.

Any how, good information none the less.

Quote of the Day

by William Jefferson Clinton. Stop laughing. Its good.

The problem with ideology is, if you’ve got an ideology you’ve already got your mind made up. You know all the answers and that makes evidence irrelevant and arguments a waste of time.


I told you it was good.


Conservatives really don’t believe in victims. If they would, it might sound something like they believe you are a “victim” of yourself. I’m pretty sure that is an accurate statement.

Liberals can’t exist without victims. Because of this, Conservatives and Liberals are diametrically opposed to each other. Its kind of like when you try to force two North poles of a magnet together. They repel each other.

Having said that, I’ll say this.

I believe that the democrats did willfully and knowingly try to destroy the U.S. economy before the 2008 presidential election. Why? If life doesn’t suck enough, you won’t vote for a different party. They also think that they are smart enough to fix it. They believe they are smart enough to tell you how to live. They needed disaster. Doom and gloom. Everything they do depends on misery. Someone somewhere has to be miserable. They aren’t needed otherwise. Why would we need the state to intervene if everything is fine? It can’t be fine if you are a Democrat.

Is it such a stretch to wonder as to whether the Democrats or their ilk are responsible for the BP oil spill in the gulf? I think they thought they could easily contain the spill but make a very serious point about off shore drilling. As with the economy, it’s not that simple. It’s not as easy as they thought it would be and we find ourselves in a very serious situation.

The children cannot be allowed to run the candy store any longer. It’s almost funny in that we believe that they might actually behave this time. Every time we do this country takes a serious hit. To quote the movie Animal House “Thank you sir, may we have another?”

How many economic hits? How many personal freedoms? How much federal government? How many man made disasters? How much domestic terrorism? How much taxpayer looting? How many more times do you need someone to tell you that you are a victim? How much longer do we really need a union for anything with all the federal laws protecting workers these days? How many more times do you need the Democratic Party to tell you how stupid you are?

Before you finally wake up.

If you don’t exercise and sit in air conditioning all day long chances are you’ll get fat.

Don’t be surprised when you do.

So when you wake up and find that you no longer have any personal freedoms because you thought Barrack Hussein Obama stood for hope and change…

…don’t be surprised when you have no hope and nothing has changed.

Moving The Office

Yes. It looks as though the time may have finally come for my company to move down to the 2nd floor of the CTI building.

I’ve been waiting for a few months for the office space to open up and it could happen as early as today.

Moving a studio is never fun.

We’ve grown in the last couple of months so its necessary.

Yet, its Memorial Day weekend.


(Update 06-04-10: Moving the office has not occurred as of yet. I’m told the official move will be this weekend!)

(Update 06-05-10: I am officially moved to the second floor of the CTI building! )