I am sorely lacking in it.
I do have a day off this week so I’m planning on getting a crapload of projects finished.
In the meantime, here’s a funny picture that a co-worker of mine uses as his background or wallpaper.

I am sorely lacking in it.
I do have a day off this week so I’m planning on getting a crapload of projects finished.
In the meantime, here’s a funny picture that a co-worker of mine uses as his background or wallpaper.
This is very stupid but I had my iPod Nano with me yesterday and decided to shoot some video as we were moving yesterday.
This quote was from one of the many shows we produce each week – The Right Doctor with Melissa Clouthier. The guest is Andrew Malcolm from the LA Times blog site “Top of the Ticket.”
(sic) “The numbers that Washington are throwing around right now are so big that they don’t even fit in my calculator. That’s how out of touch Congress is with the American people.”
The link to the exact Take That! podcast is above.
The show was so interesting that I forgot to check on how much time Melissa had left to record. Oops. #producerfail
I know there are serious gaps in my posts but I have a really good reason for that…
…2 full time jobs.
I get up and work for 4 hours on Take That! Radio.
I go to my day time job for 8 hours.
I come home and record podcasts and edit for an additional 4 hours.
I also have to squeeze in writing, designing websites, artwork, and…
…eating and sleeping.
I think Melissa’s schedule is even worse.
All the folks who are working on projects and podcasts at Take That! are doing so because we all believe that we make a difference.
I had a friend of mine ask me if I felt that I was doing enough to advance my conservative values. At the time, I thought “no.”
When I went to Washington 2 weeks ago, I helped Melissa and Tabitha interview over a dozen key players in the conservative movement. My moment of Zen came when I looked up from my laptop as Melissa was conducting an interview and realizing that United States Senator Jim DeMint was sitting 2 feet away from me talking to Melissa to appear on a show I produce.
Did I feel like I was doing enough?
Did I mention that Jim DeMint was 2 feet away from me?
This weekend, a bunch of the Take That! staff is heading to the Americans for Prosperity conference in Washington, DC.
Steve Schippert and I will be joining Dr. Melissa Clothier and Tabitha Hale this evening (if we can get to DC in time) for a Twitter Meetup at Bailey’s in Arlington, VA.
Throughout the weekend I’ll be posting pictures and taping as much audio as possible.
Take That! Radio is taking on Washington, DC.
Watch it.
These folks are thinkers and doers…
STOCKHOLM – Masked gunmen used a stolen helicopter and explosives to engineer a spectacular raid on a cash depot in Stockholm on Wednesday, breaking into the building through the roof and flying off with bags of cash, police and officials said.
The daring pre-dawn heist stunned police in the Swedish capital, who were unable to deploy their own helicopters to the scene because suspected explosives had been placed at their hangar.
The security company that owns the facility, G4S PLC, said the thieves had made off with “an unconfirmed sum of money” and added it would offer a large reward for information leading to their arrest and the return of the loot. The company did not give an exact amount for the reward.
I suggest you click here and read the whole article. I’m not advocating robbing a bank but just pointing out how well thought out this was.
If robbers can do this just imagine what terrorists could do?
Just a quick post and a reflection on what an elected representative is “supposed” to do.
You shouldn’t care about what a candidate feels about gun control, abortion, taxes, or anything else for that matter.
Yes. I just said that. Why?
Because we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. There is a difference.
Our elected officials (notice I don’t use “leader”) are supposed to do exactly what we tell them to. That’s why we shouldn’t call them leaders. They aren’t supposed to be leading anything. What they should be doing is exactly and precisely what we tell them to and nothing more.
They are supposed to be a servant of the people they represent. If I am concerned about a candidate’s position on gun control then I’m missing the point. We have seriously gotten away from what elected officials are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing.
Because we have been doing it wrong all of these years, now I really do have to worry about a candidate’s position on something.
This post is simply a vent. We can’t even get the basics correct and now we want those elected folks to “fix” our healthcare system?
Have we as a society completely lost our freakin’ minds or have we all gotten so lazy that we forget who forged the nation that we now take stewardship of?
If I were running for office, I believe my press conference would go something like this…
Me: Hi. My name is Mike Williams and I’m running for office.
Press: How do you feel about the healthcare debate?
Me: Really doesn’t matter now does it?
Press: I don’t understand.
Me: I’m not running for me. I’m running for you. I’m running to represent you and your neighbors views.
Press: So, you don’t have an opinion on the healthcare debate then?
Me: Why should I? Like I said. I represent you. You’d be better off asking yourself that question.
Press: What about gun control?
Me: Again, how do YOU feel about gun control? I have an opinion and it will be whatever the voters say it is. Have a nice day.
That’s how I describe this week.
When you are so caught up in everyone else’s gig that you don’t even have time to connect with someone or watch the Apple launch yesterday then it’s time to take a break.
This week started out bad for not only me but a bunch of friends with whom I work in new media.
Having gotten through most of the week, the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach is still there. Change is hard. This week I was forced into a decision that not only affected me but affected the people I work with as well.
While I’m still blessed to be able to work with most of those folks, it’s a precious few that I worry about losing. I tell myself that I can do without them but the reality is that I don’t want to.
The dust hasn’t settled from the A-Bomb that has been dropped but we are rebuilding and moving on with life.
Sometimes, something like this is precisely the kick in the ass that we all need to do better things; to make a difference; to change the world and be inspired to lead by example.
In all of this, there was a rub that I couldn’t identify and while my eyes were not yet opened nor my mind contemplating, it was my friends old and new who put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and so eloquently stated the bitter obvious. That thing which has eluded me and is an ache I continue to endure is so painfully clear now. It’s a marine named Steve, a writer called Sullivan, a Chiropractor named Melissa, a new friend named Art who have demonstrated a true understanding of the rub.
It is for those people that I give thanks this day.
New media wouldn’t be any fun without them and I’m honored to stand beside them.