General Musings

Sunday around the Studio

As I watch Carolyn Porco on the Science Channel talk about the universe as if we actually know very much about it, I’m reminded of something I saw on Greta Van Susteren’s show on Fox News. It’s something that continues to bug me.

The guest she had on (Friday I believe) corrected another guest (lefty) who kept spewing these numbers out there as far as health care and the uninsured that were patently false and actually wouldn’t really make sense in any reality you happen to find yourself in.

The details of the exchange aren’t important. What upsets me when I watch this is the fact that Van Susteren doesn’t correct the guest. She didn’t even challenge him on his numbers. The right has a real serious problem with this.

Too many times we allow the left to throw a number at us and we don’t challenge them on it. When we do challenge them (rare. very rare) their argument collapses as it should. We just don’t do enough of it.

The conservatives need to start growing a pair and learn to open their mouths when the left throws numbers around. Most of the numbers are skewed or just completely made up.

I love to hear about the “far right” Fox News channel from the left. Let me fill you in on something here. It’s not that Fox News is far right. Because CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC are so far left even the TV Guide Channel looks right leaning.

With my Sunday venting out of the way, let me just say that this week’s Brass Balls Radio is going to be a real treat. Thanks to everyone who participated! Steve Schippert. Jenny Erikson. DNACowboy.

The Trouble with Youth

It’s amazing to me. How attitudes and our paradigms change as we get older and hopefully wiser.

For you young people out there, believe it or not there may be a very good reason why you are not in charge of anything.

You don’t have experience. The trouble is that you can have an I.Q. of 175 and be the smartest person in the room but the bottom line is that you lack experience and experience is why people are put in charge.

I’m writing this about one young person in particular.

I saw an opportunity to take a week off from producing and decided to put this young person in charge in my absence.

Needless to say, this quickly took a wrong turn.

So much for some time off for me…


I haven’t posted anything in over a week!!

That’s because Take That! Radio has kept me hopping.

I’ll try to post later on today…

…bad blogger….

Man Tries to Blow Up Mattress instead Blows up House

This story comes from Reuters

BERLIN (Reuters) – A German who tried to fix his leaky air mattress blew up his apartment instead, the fire brigade in the western city of Duesseldorf said Wednesday.

The 45-year-old man used tire repair solvent to plug a hole in his airbed and left it overnight.

But it blew up when he went to inflate it the next day. “A spark from the electric air pump ignited it,” a fire brigade spokesman said.

The blast pushed his living room wall into the building’s stairwell and caused extensive damage to walls, windows and furniture.

Fire fighters evacuated the 12-apartment building and a neighboring housing block while they checked for structural damage.

The man suffered burns on his arms, while a three-year-old girl suffered first degree burns.

Upcoming Travel

So far, this is what we have planned for the Take That! crew.

Confirmed: New York City in August with Tabitha Hale and Wendy Sullivan.

Nashville in September with Tabitha Hale and Wendy Sullivan.

The rest of the summer looks to be very busy. *smile*