General Musings

Rainy Wednesday

That describes the condition outside.

Just rain.

And lots of it.

And PA will still turn around and tell everyone that we are in a drought.

They do it every year.

It’s like tradition now or something.

Gmail Turns 5


As a Gmail user, I congratulate Google on coming up with an email system that doesn’t suck.

See the whole press release here.

Five years ago yesterday, Gmail starting giving people a gig. What started as an internal tool for Google employees is now used by tens of millions of people around the world in 52 languages.

In honor of the occasion, you may have noticed a little cake on the Gmail homepage today.

In The iPod

You may have noticed that what I’m reading in the sidebar hasn’t really changed.

That’s because it’s taking me FOREVER to get through Hyperion.

I don’t know if I’m just growing tired of it.

I’m not sure if I’m just subconsciously dismissing everything else until David Weber’s next book comes out.

He wrote it a while ago and the bastard is making me wait.

I mean that in a good way David. 🙂