General Musings

Quote of The Day

I found this quote here while I was looking for something else entirely.

David Henry Thoreau once wrote (among many other things, prolific bastard): “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”


Happy New Year and What If…

…cancer cell consumption is triggered by RF, Infared, and or microwave energy?

I don’t think cancer is caused by any ONE thing. Remember the first Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson? The Joker positioned people by using a combination of chemicals which used by themselves were harmless. When used together, they became deadly. I think the cancer condition is caused in much the same way.

That also explains why it’s so hard to cure. Finding one element is hard enough but finding three? And, they have to be the RIGHT three. And what if it’s more than three?

I woke up with this thought in my head.

Happy New Year.

The Story Behind the Photo

The picture that you see in the sidebar (top) is of my cousin Sarah and I. I spent Christmas day at my aunt and uncle’s house. My cousin is 20 years old and I realized that we didn’t have a picture of us together. Not one.

Her boyfriend/fiance’ snapped the picture.

That’s one photo of us together doing stuff. I hope there are many more.

Sarah and Jaymin proceeded to play around with Photo Booth on my MacBook Pro and this is a sample. Good stuff.

Photo 31.png

Eartha Kitt: RIP

She will be missed.


From the BNO Newsroom.

Andrew Freedman, Eartha Kitt’s spokesman, has told BNO News that the singer and actress passed away earlier this Christmas Day.

Kitt was best known for her role as Catwoman in the 1960s TV series Batman and for her 1953 Christmas song “Santa Baby”.

Kitt passed away at around 2.35 pm Eastern time this afternoon. Freedman said she had been suffering from colon cancer. Her daughter, Kitt Shapiro, was at her side at the time she died.

I Hope This Was Just An Accident


Found this article in the New York Daily News this morning…

A suspicious fire has torn through the church attended by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who apologized if the blaze was related to her White House run.

Palin, Republican John McCain’s running mate, was not at the church during the Friday night fire that caused about $1 million damage.

A small group of women and children were in the Wasilla Bible Church doing crafts when the blaze was set at the building’s entrance. The group escaped when a fire alarm sounded, Pastor Larry Kroon said.

Palin spokesman Bill McAllister said the governor visited Saturday and “told an assistant pastor that she apologizes if the incident is in any way connected to the undeserved negative attention the church has received since she became a vice presidential candidate on Aug. 29.”

The church draws as many as 1,000 worshipers on a Sunday.

I would hate to think that people are so bitter over an election that probably ended up the way they wanted it to that they think they would need to burn down a church of God to send a message.

A Sense of Unease

Today was not a great day for news where my friends are concerned.

One of my friends is having “relationship” related issues while another friend is facing grave charges that I feel are absolutely false and unsubstantiated.

Tonight. I will pray for my friends.

I don’t hang out with bad people. When I hear about problems that my friends are having I am forever reminded of what a high class of people they truly are. They don’t deserve the hardships they face.

Keep your heads up!

It will get better.