General Musings

TV Stand for Dummies

I am not the type of person that likes to buy things that I have to put together. I go out of my way to buy things that are already assembled. My office chair is a good example. I went to Staples and found a chair I loved. I just didn’t want to put it together so I talked the sales guy into letting me take the finished unit on the floor. He did and I still have the chair to this day.

With that being said, I just bought a simple TV Stand on Amazon and was amazed at how simple it was to put together.

If you are looking for a simple Tv stand that has a couple of shelves and takes about 5 minutes to put together. Check this link out. You will not be disappointed.

Let The Vacation Begin…

Well, the busy holiday madness is over for me. Time to catch my breath and decide what I’m going to do going forward.

I’m sure you’ve noticed the big holes in posting that have occured for the last several years. As I’ve said on the podcast that I’ve started back up again…we’ve been busy and stuff.

I’m looking forward to the next year and hope that the dream that I have in my heart comes true and that real love and happiness are mine once again. Time will tell.

This blog has always been about me and what I like and will continue to be so.

I’m half the person I used to be and as I’ve said just a couple paragraphs earlier, I am hoping for the best.

I hope we all find the happiness we so richly deserve.

Starting Over…Again

I really mean it this time.

For some reason, when I went to buy chipheadmike so many years ago it wasn't available.

I couldn't believe that some a**hole had decided to grab the name. I mean. Really. How many chipheadmikes could there actually be.

The other day, I decided to look again to see if it was available after 7 years or so and WHOLA! It indeed was available.

The next question was…what do I do with it?

I have decided to merge everything that I could find that I've ever written or posted online into one place.

That is what chipheadmike will be. A place to keep my stuff.

Starting Over

This blog has been around since 2008 or so.

I do not update it regularly.

I have decided to create something new. A new name with articles or columns that I write that have more to do with the writing world I am now apart of.

This new website will be a bunch more entertaining and I’m going to take some of the filters off. I will write about and post things that interest me whether they are too “bold” to post or not.

I’ve always tried to keep a super clean blog.

Sometimes, though, you just want to say bad words.

I’ll see ya’ll out there somewhere.

Technical Projects

I am currently working on server type stuff. I realize that if I get much more technical than that, there will be a few folks whose heads may explode.

I enjoy the simplicity of Mac Server.

I do not enjoy the complexity of creating an internal ecosystem.

If you’ve read this and said to yourself “what the hell is he talking about?” #geekwin


Instapaper Roundup

These are some of the stories I found to be important enough to save to Instapaper.

Our paychecks just got 2% lighter.

Some folks would like to ban the term “fiscal cliff” from the English language.

A great bluetooth security idea for Apple computers.

That's all I have for this week.

Stay tuned. Coming up this week…I'm sure congress will do something stupid, someone will try to take someone else's rights away, and the United States (sans morality) will continue to spiral into the abyss of history as a great idea on paper but easily corruptable over time which leads to its inevitable failure.