Neat and Cool

Pod Squad

Are you out of space in your house or apartment and need a small office close by?

This is seriously cool. Officepod is an actual company in the UK that provides an office pod to those who need it. For a price, of course.

Check out these pictures.


New Twitter Background

I was playing with Photoshop this morning because I saw that my Twitter background was a tad bit out of date. I started the Residentchiphead site as a way to showcase tech stuff that interested me but I quickly came to realize that so many people were doing a better job than I was so I decided to stop posting there. Sad. But true.



I caught a bit of demogirl (Molly MacDonald) on TWiF. She actually goes through the trouble of showing you interesting stuff on the internet and how you can take advantage of it. Have you ever found a plugin and didn’t know how to install and use it? That’s what demogirl does.


*** My apologies. After updating the site today, I noticed that I forgot to add the link to Molly’s website. Oops. ***