Picture Dump

Here are pictures of the clean up effort on the 3rd floor.


We’re still trying to figure out what the hell is on the chair. In fact now that I think about it, I probably don’t want to know.

IMG 0064 3rd

IMG 0065 3rd

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IMG 0070 3rd

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IMG 0075 3rd

IMG 0076 3rd

IMG 0079 3rd

Freedom Countdown


In about 48 hours, our household will be free of one of the biggest pain in the asses on the planet.

On Tuesday, I plan on writing a complete synopsis of what we’ve been dealing with since the very beginning of January.

I promise that this is going to be entertaining.


Personal Consistancy

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine about another conversation we had years before about the U.S. Census.



I did not remember the old conversation at all but my friend reminded me about what we discussed. He told me that I had an issue with the census.

I told him what I currently thought about the U.S. Census, government overreach, intrusion into our personal lives, etc.

He said, “That is exactly what you said 2 years ago.”

That’s what we call having a core foundation of beliefs.

Cool. Isn’t it?



I stumbled across this photo this evening as I was trying to find something else.

This is a picture of the first room I rented in this building. It is a reminder to me of how nice the room was. I emphasize the word was.

Old Room

Semi Occasional Drive By Blogging


Why have I not been blogging recently?

A situation that I’m hoping to explain in depth within the next few days is finally coming to an end and I didn’t want to comment on it until we have closure.

Those who are close to me already know about this battle. Those who are not will appreciate the entire story as soon as I write about it.

I believe that nothing is more distracting than a home situation that is bad. It affects everything else that you do from your job to your family to your friends and in other ways that are probably too numerous to mention here.

Suffice it to say that this situation will end in a few days and when it does, I can go back to my semi-occasional blogging the way god intended.

Thanks for semi-occassionally reading this.

Whitney Houston: R.I.P.

 She was a big part of the music I listened to growing up. I remember buying her albums on cassette tape. I also thought she was one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

She will be missed.

Motivated Writer

 After finishing “How Firm a Foundation” by David Weber I find myself incredibly motivated to write. I was curious about when the next book would come out and so I went to David’s website.

On the front page was a post explaining that David is busy writing the 6th book of the Safehold series and in addition to that, he also has a Twitter account and he’s tweeting updates.

I suppose that after seeing that David is already hard at work on his next book shows me that I need to be hard at work on my screenplay.

Thanks David.