Another Mess. Please Excuse.

 I have changed back to my old trusty WordPress Theme but not without problems.

A whole lot of stuff needs to be reconfigured. I mean. Really? Who needs to update a damn theme?

I am tired of updates, especially security updates. Why? It tells me that you have no fu**ing idea how to fix your problem. The more security updates you push, the less you understand the problem. If you understood the problem and knew how to stop it…well…you get the idea. 

Ok. I’m done now.

A Life Online

 Do not live your life online.

If you do, you are doing it wrong.

The time you spend messaging, texting, or posting on Facebook or Twitter could be time better spent with someone you love. Who deserves the attention more? 


I would tend to think your real flesh and blood loved ones do.

I can say this because it’s my blog and I’ll write what I damn well please.


That is all.

Weekend Update

First, I’d like wish my friend Tabitha a very happy birthday!
Now, some stories from my Instapaper that I found interesting this week.

Fruit Ninja SS

Social workers tend to have more ethics problems personally than most.
Louis C.K. knows how to market himself.
Notice how the articles so far come from GigaOm? Yeah, me neither.
20 New Year’s Resolutions for folks who are twenty-something.
Fruit Ninja Cat.
That’s all I got for right now.
I’ll be devoting most of my free time to meeting an April 30th deadline for the warehouse movie that John Miller and I have been working on and off on for about 2 years. Wheels are in motion and it looks like this thing might actually happen.

Top Instapaper Stories

A short listing of stories that caught my attention this week. 
Apple using facial recognition to unlock your iOS devices? 
Why it’s dangerous to allow key infrastructure systems to have an internet address. 
A website devoted to showing why A.D.H.D. and similar “illnesses” are complete bullshit. 
North Korea night time overhead shot. How many lights can you make out
Hope everyone has a great day!
Oh..and one more thing…’s yet another story about using false science to advance an agenda. Not that we’ve ever seen such a thing (see Al Gore…everything he’s ever done) 

My New ZaggFolio Case for iPad2

This is the first article that I have written with my new iPad 2 case and my first impressions are…


I like the sleek design of the Zagg Folio case.

A piece of paper that comes with it describes that I may only need to charge my keyboard “a few times a year.” Say what?

This thing is awsome and I can easily see why I may end up using the iPad for writing much more than my iMac.

The keyboard is built right into the case and while these types of things have been out for a while now, it was Harry McCracken’s article in Technologizer that tipped the scales towards Zagg for me.

I’ve had this thing for only an hour and I have already learned a couple of new things about Blogsy.

A case like this one isn’t for everyone with an iPad. It’s better suited towards those folks who plan to do a fair bit of writing with their iPad.

All the links you need about the case can be gotten from the Technologizer article that I linked to previously.

Someday & Stuff

Someday, I’ll get back to regular posting. After this holiday season me thinks.

Here are a few stories that I’ve saved for no particular reason at all other than “they caught my eye.”

How to make the perfect hamburger using liquid nitrogen.

Clay Shirky on the future of news and news media.

Another Earth?

Special seats at the theater for folks who like to tweet.

U.S. Cellular says they’ll wait until Apple adopts LTE before they decide to sell the iPhone. Apple says..”zzzzzzzzz.”

Carbon Dioxide is outed as being much to do about nothing as far as global warming science is concerned.

In A Flash…

We are half way through December and so far, I barely remember it.
Things are absolute “off the rails” busy at my day job.
Night projects have picked up.
And I barely have time to right a post about how busy it is.
Ain’t that some shit? (insert chorus here..”Ain’t that some shit”)

Calling Bullshit on This One

According to TechCrunch, retail spending is up over last year.

Thanksgiving brought record online retail sales for the holiday, with spending up 39.3 percent over Thanksgiving 2010. And today, IBM Coremetrics data shows a 24.3 percent growth in online sales on Black Friday compared to the same period last year.

Yeah. I don’t think so and here is why.

1. Unemployment has been steady at around 9%. That means that every week 9% more Americans are out of jobs. The numbers aren’t getting any better.

2. Food versus Retail purchases. I’m pretty sure that the massively unemployed are concentrating on buying food rather than anything else. Keeping their homes, cars, and the electricity on are going to win out over the black friday shopping craze.

3. Common sense. Common sense should tell you that retail sales HAVE to be down. Stores are going out of business at a record pace. Companies that are still keeping their heads above water are not hiring.

All the signs and environmental conditions point to a retail sales season that might make it out of the red and into the purple but certainly not the black.