Linux Mint

If any of you are wondering what a good Linux Distribution is, I have a good suggestion.

Linux Mint. (excellent article on LifeHacker)


I run Linux Mint on an old Dell with a Pentium 4 processor and use that box to test Word Press code as well as other projects where I need a good Guinea pig.

As with most Linux distributions, Linux Mint is free.

Linux also carries a similar file structure to that of Apple so you need not worry about viruses and spyware; at least, not for now.

Many folks out there who just want to test their themes or a plugin will find Linux Mint more than adequate enough. In addition, all of the appropriate files are included so you don’t need to go searching for MP3 codecs, video codecs, etc. Everything just works out of the box.

High recommended.

Switching to Office 2010


When it comes to spreadsheets, word processors, and general office software I hate change.

I remember using one of the very best Word Processor’s ever written SpeedScript for the Commodore 64 and wondering how anyone was ever going to top that simplistic gem written by Compute! Magazine contributor Charles Brannon. I remember literally typing in the code from the magazine to create the software. Ah, those were the days.


We’ve come a long way since then. I use half a dozen different programs for different purposes. Word processors, manuscript writers, concept writers, etc.

Office 2010 is a major jump for anyone who uses Office 2003. Let’s face it; we’re talking a seven year gap.

I remember using Office 2007 and becoming frustrated by the new menu system.

I did some catching up last night by taking a few online courses and we’ll see how it goes.

Update: Our offices are now entirely upgraded to Office 2010. I think that once you get used to the “ribbon” and where they’ve moved everything, its not a bad upgrade. At least I no longer get errors when I try to open any Office document.

WordPress Woes

For reasons unknown to me, Word Press is not allowing me to delete widgets or even just make them inactive from the sidebar.

It just sits there and gives me a spinning wheel of nothing.

Why is it that every time these people make a change they seem to break the basic functionality of Word Press itself?

Enhancements are great but not at the expense of basic functionality.

I will have to step away from WP before I break something…


Update: Re-installing Word Press fixed the issue. I’ve since moved to another host and everything is still working. Yah!

Big Ink

Last night as we were taping The Delivery with Jimmie Bise on UStream, it hit us.

The Republicans “Pledge to America” did little more than support “big ink” because most of the document is a complete waste of time and of course, ink.

I’ll be writing about this in depth in the next few days but wanted to warn you first.

Segway to the End


The british man who recently bought the Segway company has died by the same.

via Reuters

(Reuters) – The British millionaire businessman who owns the firm Segway has been found dead at the bottom of a cliff with one of the two-wheeled electric scooters near his body, police said on Monday.

Very weird way to go.

Wire Tap The Internet?


You bet.

In a New York Times piece* this morning, Charlie Savage has this to say…

WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is “going dark” as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.

Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like Facebook and software that allows direct “peer to peer” messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.

Wire tapping someone online is vastly different then wire tapping a telephone or cell phone. I believe that this type of thing will open the door to more far reaching internet regulation which will be bad for everyone in the long run.

Of course, hackers will probably answer the call and write routines that will scramble our Skype chats among other things.

The argument will be made that if you are not doing anything wrong, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

The problem is not whether YOU are doing anything wrong but rather whether or not the GOVERNMENT is doing something wrong.

Politically speaking, even bringing this subject up before the November elections is a death sentence for the party in power.

Rather than standing on the train tracks waving my arms trying to stop this run away train from hitting the big fat 18 wheeler sitting on the tracks ahead, I’m going to simply stand aside and let these “brilliant” folk hit the truck.

Popcorn anyone?

* FREE registration may be required to view the article.

Do YOU Like Sex With Goats?


The latest Twitter glitch allows you to post that you like to have sex with goats.

via TechCrunch

Either a lot of Techies are into really kinky things, or there is a Twitter worm going around. It looks like a ton of people just started sending out Tweets saying “I Like Anal Sex With Goats.” This Tweet is followed by another one that says “WTF” and includes a link. Do NOT click on this link; it appears that it will cause you to send out the same series of Tweets from your account. It looks like this is happening across third-party clients and on

Guaranteed that we’ll see this later on TWiT! They are LIVE all day today and will be doing the official TWiT (this week in tech) show at 6:00 pm EST.


Update: No. TWiT never mentioned this. They instead discussed the ever boring Michael Arrington and had a guest on who started off the show dropping a bullshit reference. Bad internet connection, crappy camera, and a complete disregard for the fact that you don’t play with your microphone and headset while taping made her one of the most obnoxious guests that have ever been on TWiT. On a positive note, Veronica Belmont and her boyfriend Ryan Block made the crappy guest more palatable.

A Milestone

After about 3 years or so I have finally decided to turn on my cell phone’s voicemail feature.


Anyone trying to call that particular phone for the last few years will be able to attest to the fact that you have not been able to leave me a message because I didn’t set the mailbox up.

Well, now you can.

So, please don’t.

This bi-polar moment brought to you by the Are To Are Not Foundation.

Hobbit Troubles


For those of you waiting for the Hobbit movies to come out will just have to wait longer.

Now, according to the BBC we have union troubles.

Those contracts “provide no minimum guarantees of wages or working conditions”, no payment for future broadcasts and no cancellation payments, they said.

“The International Federation of Actors… resolved that the time had come for performers around the world to support their colleagues in New Zealand and seek a union contract for all performers on The Hobbit,” a statement said.

The FIA said producers have argued that entering into an agreement with the union would break New Zealand competition laws. points out the top three reasons why this movie can’t seem to get started.

– Guillermo del Toro leaving as director (granted, Peter Jackson stepped in, but a director leaving is a director leaving)
– MGM’s financial woes
– The film still not being greenlit by New-Line and MGM

In any event, those of you waiting to see The Hobbit will just have to wait longer.