Oh, What a Week

I haven’t had time to even keep my own blog up to date.

After my previous post, you might expect something witty and perhaps pithy.

Ahhhh, no.

I am working at my daytime gig (daytime for now) and working at my other full-time gig (the radio station) and creating a wedding video and writing.

Whew! That’s quite a lot of stuff folks.

Follow Superbowl on Twitter

Did you know that you can follow @superbowl on Twitter for all of your superbowl update needs?

Of course, most of us will be watching the game and not really paying attention to our computers.

However, there is probably this one guy in the deep white north sitting on a stool while he takes barometric readings at the north pole who only has enough electricity to power his iPhone and Twitter is the only way he’d be able to follow the big game.

He magically would have 3g access.

Heh, it could happen.

BSG Weekly Update

Drama built on “has been beat to death” revolution theme throughout the series. That pretty much sums it up.

At this point, it’s just drama for drama sake.

Will somebody get injured or shot next week?

Probably. Wow. Nothing to see here folks.

Book Works

Writing a book is fun. It took me a long time to get to a point in my life where I just knew what I wanted to write about.

I’ve had ideas over time. I usually always ended up finding that “somebody else” stole my idea. Of course, they didn’t steal my idea. They just acted on it before I did.

There is also the “if that idiot can write a book so can I” factor as well.

Before the following events occurred, I expected them to occur.

1. September 11th, 2001 – This is not a case of hindsight. Terrorists tried to bring down the twin towers before and failed. The buildings were clearly meaningful and iconic to Al-Queda and it was only a matter of time before they would succeed. They clearly succeeded on September 11th.

2. The U.S. Invasion of Iraq was primarily news network driven. Before President Bush even thought about it or had been advised about it, MSNBC was playing out scenarios on it’s news broadcasts almost on a daily basis. To anyone with ears, you KNEW that after Afghanistan, Iraq was going to be next and you KNEW because television news led the charge.

3. Hillary Clinton’s Presidential run was also news network driven and perpetuated before our very eyes by news anchors who truly thought of it first. It wasn’t casually mentioned. It was mentioned almost every single day for month after month on the major news networks well clear of Hillary even thinking about running.

4. Barack Hussein Obama. If you watched television news at all and have even an inkling of “foreshadowing” hidden within you, the staging of Obama’s run for the Whitehouse happened well clear of his campaign. By the way the news anchors of the day were talking, Barack Hussein Obama was going to run for President whether he liked it or not. At the time, the Democratic party needed a “front man” and they were desperate.

5. If Apple, Inc. is in bed with Barack Obama, how come the built in spell checker keeps telling me that I’m spelling his name wrong?

6. Why can meteorologists fail so miserably to predict the day to day whether patterns but are convinced that they “know” that man made Global Warming exists?

If any of these things make you go “huh” then perhaps it’s a great time to write a book about it.

BSG: Weekly Breakdown

Please move on folks. Nothing to see here.

The seeds have been sown for something awful to happen as far as some kind of rebellion within the fleet starring Felix and the VP.

President R. is still not worth much and totally mental. The end of this week’s episode finds her in bed with Adama. Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

I expected that the last few shows would be “edge of your seat” type stuff. The last two shows were dull and boring.

I’ve never seen such a great idea be completely wasted.

When this series started, it was a complete thrill ride even though I had to cope with a complete re-write of the story and characters. I was willing to forgive that as long as the story came out good.

Sometimes I feel like the writers believe that we’ll just like anything they put out because it’s Battlestar Galactica after all.

Well, we don’t.