more animals
When Does It Stop?
I’ve been working at UPS for a little while now. I thought that I’d be used to it by now.
I’m not. My fingers even hurt. I’m chalking it up to age at this point.
How Sore Am I?
I got home early this morning after working an hour and a half of overtime. I was exhausted and loading trailers by hand takes a lot out of you.
NOTE: When I’m NOT stuck at my desk, I’m stuck in a trailer.
I was soooo sore from the extra time last night, I fell asleep while playing with the kitteah on the office floor.
I ended up sleeping on the office floor for most of the day.
Bad Mike.
The Ring
Years ago. My little brother found a class ring buried in the dirt near the corner stone of our church.
Our goal. To find out who owns the ring and to return it to it’s rightful owner.
We have almost no information to go on.
This will be fun.
UPDATE: 09/16/08 – I haven’t really had time to formally begin the investigation. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Cross-Dressing Bandit On The Loose!

This is a funny one.
from Fox News…
CHICAGO — The FBI is searching for the person who robbed a suburban Chicago bank wearing a large pink sun hat and a pink-and-black dress.
And authorities say he accessorized his outfit with long white gloves and a black metal handgun.
The gunman FBI agents are calling the Cross-Dressing Bandit held up the MB Financial Bank branch in Park Ridge on August 13.
Today, Special Agent Robert Grant asked the public for help in the search.
The FBI made public a wanted poster with photos of the bandit standing at a teller window in his unusual outfit.
Scientists Confirm: They Don’t Know Anything!
It’s almost like watching a train wreck. I love watching scientists trying to figure something out only to turn around and claim that they really don’t know anything.
To me, they could save so much time if they just admitted their ignorance in the first place. Ha!
This story comes from National Geographic…
Far from besting their competitors in a long struggle to become Earth’s dominant land animals, dinosaurs may have just gotten lucky, new research suggests.
The first dinosaurs appeared during the late Triassic period about 240 million years ago.
Their main competitors were a closely related group of reptiles called the crurotarsans, from which modern crocodiles and alligators descended.
Crurotarsans and dinosaurs coexisted for about 30 million years. But about 200 million years ago, Earth suffered a mass extinction, possibly caused by rapid global warming.
You Ever…
…sit at your desk and realize that you have a bunch of stuff to do.
But, you don’t want to.
Something inside begs you to read every article that’s unread in NetNewsWire.
Just one more cat picture.
Hey, I think I need to re-write some code on my personal website…
That never happens to me either!