Aggressive Holiday

Am I the only one who plans a day off and packs it with more tasks than can be reasonably completed?

Probably not.

I feel like I am finally over the “VID” and am only now starting to get my energy back. Being Lethargic was a way of life for me for several weeks. I just didn’t really have the energy to do very much. It is a good thing I am a nudist so I didn’t have to worry about having the energy to get dressed. That was definitely not happening.

I have already knocked off a major project this morning.

Hopefully what this means for the blog is that I’ll be able to write again. I stopped when I got the “VID” and haven’t done much beyond writing in my journal. I can always seem to find the energy to write in that.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

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Why I turned off Private Relay

Apple’s new feature that hides your IP address is an awesome concept. Using any map function and seeing the various places that your phone is reporting your location as…is cool.

What is NOT cool is the fact that private relay prevents websites from loading.

Not cool.

For me, a great example is Slashdot.

If I try to bring it up in my phone and can’t, it is almost always because private relay is turned on. I turn it off and the website loads as normal.

In Praise of Audiobooks

Great article in the Sunday paper about listening to audiobooks.

*Warning: Might be a paywall*

But that is a myopic view. Telling stories, after all, is an even older form of human entertainment than reading and writing stories. Banish any guilt you might harbor about listening instead of reading. Audiobooks are not to be feared; they do not portend the death of literature on the altar of modern convenience. Their popularity is a sign, rather, of the endurance of stories and of storytelling.

Facebook Disappeared

Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet

Great article about how Facebook went dark for several hours yesterday.

“Facebook can’t be down, can it?”, we thought, for a second.

Today at 1651 UTC, we opened an internal incident entitled “Facebook DNS lookup returning SERVFAIL” because we were worried that something was wrong with our DNS resolver But as we were about to post on our public status page we realized something else more serious was going on.

Social media quickly burst into flames, reporting what our engineers rapidly confirmed too. Facebook and its affiliated services WhatsApp and Instagram were, in fact, all down. Their DNS names stopped resolving, and their infrastructure IPs were unreachable. It was as if someone had “pulled the cables” from their data centers all at once and disconnected them from the Internet.

How’s that even possible?