Did not know this word, at all.
Germany Banning Single Use Plastics
I happen to agree with Germany on this one.
BERLIN — Germany is banning the sale of single-use plastic straws, cotton buds and food containers, bringing it in line with a European Union directive intended to reduce the amount of plastic garbage that pollutes the environment.
The Cabinet agreed Wednesday to end the sale of plastics including single-use cutlery, plates, stirring sticks and balloon holders, as well as polystyrene cups and boxes by July 3, 2021.
Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said the move was part of an effort to move away from “throw-away culture.” Up to 20% of garbage collected in parks and other public places consists of single-use plastic, mainly polystyrene containers.
I’m not sure if it the fact that I am getting older but this kind of thing makes sense to me. We’ve become extremely lazy as a culture and by doing so, we are ruining the planet. Instead of simply washing your utencils, we buy plastic forks and knives and then throw them into the Earth.
I bought a camping tool that acts like fork, spoon, and knife along with a few other uses and I try to use it when I can. I can always do better and I like that Germany is taking this type of thing seriously.
I don’t think the US will be that strict about this type of thing for a long time to come.
macOS Big Sur Issue
I would be posting more things but macOS Big Sur keeps reporting that the application is damaged and I keep having to re-install it. This has also happened with Filezilla Pro.
In the case of Filezilla Pro, by re-installing it, I lost all of my login information for a couple of different websites. I should have exported the list but I honestly didn’t expect that I would have to re-install everything.
I know. 1st world problems.
Last Day of July 2020
##This is the last day of the month.
It is sad from the viewpoint of summer coming to an end in a month or so.
I. Love. Summer.
My First Markdown Post!
Well, it took a while to get this working correctly.
I am listening to a fantastic audiobook. The Grey Man: On Target
If you love James Bond style thrillers, you’ll love the series.
I spent most of the night getting Markdown to behave the way I want it to with my self-hosted WordPress blog.
Anyway, pretty excited that I got this to work.
Sit-Rep – July 25, 2020
This week was not as bad as the previous week. There were still issues. Overall, no one got hurt.
Now…for the general news.
I was able to finish a big project for a friend of mine. This wasn’t incredibly complicated but part of it took a whole bunch of time.
Remarkably enough, it is NOT a good pool day. Pool water is kind of cold and it is overcast.
I still have some remaining tasks left as far as pointing my other websites over here. I’d like to keep the idea of posting the book I am currently listening to but I want a way to do it that is more transportable than a WordPress Plugin that adds to a database and doesn’t move with the website.
My domestic Saturday list has been completed.
Did I mention it was not a good pool day?
Update: I was able to get about 2 hours of good pool time today. Unfortunately, I’ve learned of two deaths that were announced while I was in the pool. Regis Philbin and Peter Green (co-founder of Fleetwood Mac) both passed away today.