Fester The Extortion Artist

My kitty cat Fester loves Vienna Sausages. He comes up to my bedroom and stands in the door and stares at me until I relent and give in. No words or meows are spoken. The whole evolution has a dark alley feel to it. Cats. Just. Cats.

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100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 1 – Variables and other things

I am working through 100 Days of SwiftUI. I’ve been watching Paul Hudson videos for a while and he is a great teacher when it comes to Swift in general.

I highly recommend the FREE course if you are interested in programming in Swift.

Post my progress on here daily? Absolutely.

Topics covered…

Group: Simple Types

Strings and Integers
Multi-line strings
Doubles and Booleans
String interpolation
Type annotations

Tomorrow: Complex Types

Phantom Controls

One of the fun things that happen when we are testing beta software.

Screen Shot 2020 07 05 at 6 30 50 AM

This random control was left over from Chrome. I was saving an image to the desktop and the control just stayed there long after I shut Chrome down.

Good Morning

I’m posting this one because it is funny. Not sure how true it is because I hate politics of any kind. How angry the party that is not in the White House gets during the term is hilarious. Both parties do the exact same thing.

Whether they want to admit it or not.