Steve Irwin
The following isn’t true. It is not Steve Irwin’s 57th birthday because he only ever made it to 44.

I appreciate the sentiment but it would be more accurate of them to say Today would have been Steve’s 57th birthday. That is factually accurate.
I do miss him. He was a one of a kind awesome guy who should have gotten a longer ride on the life train.
Vacation Plans
For my next “mini” vacation, I plan to tackle something that has been driving me nuts for years. The cables under my desk. They are out of control and I have spent countless hours trying to get them to look less unwieldy.
I’ve purchased a couple of items to help the process.

Getting things organized and throwing out things I don’t need nor ever going to use has become a priority. The bottom line is that I have accumulated too much stuff. When I get to that point, I almost feel “dirty.” It is like a personal cleanse must occur to make me feel complete and somewhat normal.
Here is the current mess.
Updated: February 25, 2019 – The pictures below are the final version.
How you know Snowflakes are Involved in Coding

Because the modifier called “Lazy” is actually a thing.
Outlook 2019

I have been trying to get the new version of Outlook to work on my MacBook Pro for about as long as I can remember. We use an older version where I work and I have always wanted to try the newer shinier version. You know, because I am a geek.
This morning I had a revelation concerning settings and I tried it.
It worked.
The new version seems pretty cool.
Now, if we could only do something about Communicator…
Completing Someone
This is a fantastic article about how we do NOT need to complete each other in a relationship.

What Happened to January?
Well. That is a very good question. Was I off taking exotic vacations? No. Was I abducted? No. We spent the last month…planning.
Planning what?
Planning the next year which is already booked solid.
I’ll make a concerted effort to keep this place updated as we blaze ahead.