Great Quote

Movie quote from Anon on Netflix.

“It is not that I have something to hide. I just have things I don’t want you to see.”

Productive Weekend

I thought I’d get a chance to post more over the weekend but alas, it was not meant to be.

Saturday was chock full of things to do around the house and Sunday was a full work day for me.

I still have a crap ton of stuff to do related to work and home. I should probably clone myself.

I have also decided to post the entire Take That! Media archive to the web so that anyone can download and listen to all of our old shows.

On Friday night, I listened to the Brass Balls Radio 50th episode (you can listen below) which was hosted by non other than Mark Steyn. It was a great show to produce and brought back a lot of great memories.

I’ve added the archive project to the growing list of things.


Biohacker – Good News and Bad News

Good News: The CEO who injected himself with an untested Herpes cure back in February lived to tell the story.

Bad News: The CEO who injected himself with an untested Herpes cure back in February lived to tell the story — until May.

Full story here.

Additionally…he could also have played Kylo Ren. He looks a little like Adam Driver.

The Raspberry PI Post

I am writing this post on my Raspberry PI. For anyone who does not know what that is…

It is a computer that basically fits in the palm of your hand. They are incredible powerful and do a lot of things. Some use them as their home PC. Some use them for robotics projects. They are amazingly powerful for their size. HDMI video output, 4 USB ports, built-in Wi-Fi and ethernet port. It also supports bluetooth connections.

The official website is here.

Government Assumption – Fire Zones

Government in general usually makes a lot of assumptions when it comes to knowledge that the citizens should or should not have.

Fire zones are just one of the many examples.

What the hell does that even mean? How the hell would any of us know what a fire zone is and why would we?

It is meaningless bullshit that only the retarded government worker who came up with it knows. Not everyone is a fire fighter and not everyone knows what these stupid idiotic retarded zones mean.

Whomever invented them. Fuck. You.


HAM Radio for April 30, 2018

Great conversation tonight about a variety of topics.

Everything from flipping your vehicle over to speeding to television issues.

Happy to hear that the HAM radio world is also populated with women and not necessarily a male dominated thing.

The conversation is wonderful.