Upgrade Notes – Day 1

Well, today is the first day of our latest big project at work, a system upgrade.

This project will probably take the better part of a year to complete.

I really don’t plan on keeping notes on this blog for every single day of the project and I will not be talking about details. What I was going to write about was the process is. How does it affect me? How much less time will I get to spend on other things?

With those questions being raised, I am looking forward to it.

For me, these things are always great learning experiences.

If I’m not completely exhausted by the end of the day, I’ll post some thoughts.

New Beginnings

Today is the first day in several years (days off not withstanding) that I am working a “normal” shift at work.

We are starting a major project that will take a least a year to complete and so I’ve had to make some adjustments.

This very first thing I’ve noticed is that I actually have time to get up in the morning and spend time writing. I can’t express how happy that makes me. I love writing. For the last several years, my work schedule hasn’t afforded me a lot of time to do so.

So, one of the first things I’ve done this morning is to try and find a replacement for Blogsy. Apple must be abandening applications that still work under 32 bit in the next iOS release. To be honest, I thought they would have already done that with a minor release.

I’m writing this using an app called BlogPad Pro. So far, I like it. There are a few things I’ll need to figure out. I had used Blogsy from day one so I am very familiar with how it worked.

My life has changed a lot in the last 6 months or so. Some good. Mostly bad.

I’m trying to keep some optimisim in my life so hopefully, writing more will help do that.

A Few Words About Love

I don’t usually discuss this type of thing on my site but I just want to say that I’ve been without the woman I love for several months now.

For my friends and family that keep asking, no. I am not ok. My heart aches every day that I’m without the one I love, my soulmate, my everything.

I don’t see that this empty feeling will ever just “go away” or that I may just move on and forget about the one lady that knows me better than anyone.

I love her very much. I think about her every single day.

I miss my baby.

Sorry. I just had to get that out there.

April Update

Well, a whole lot of stuff is going on around here this month. Minecraft is taking up a lot of my free time but I am going through a bunch of audiobooks in the process. I am also reading Kindle books too.

I listen to books while I’m building a world in Minecraft. It works.

I plan on keeping notes on work related stuff as we go into a major upgrade. This is exciting for me. I love updating software so this is right up my alley. More on that to follow…

Come on warm weather!

Minecraft & Me

I’m not sure what prompted me to do so but about a week ago I decided to get Minecraft for xbox One. It looked interesting and I was willing to learn the ropes and start playing.

Then, I discovered “creative” mode. No attacks, no problems, just build build build.

That was right up my alley. That is all I’ve been doing for a week and it is amazingly fun!

I’m currently building a modern city within an island chain. It is called Weirdville.

I always seem to be the Johnny come lately when it comes to video games.

Minecraft has been around for.ever.

GamerTag Change

First of all, I can’t believe that Microsoft charges 9.99 to change your gamertag.

Second, I paid it and changed my tag from MacDaddySrGamer to CaptainNukko.

I have no idea why that name came to me but it sure beats the old one.

I have no idea why I do what I do. Don’t judge me.

The Case of the Activation Unlock Tool

I’ve seen many pundits crying this weekend about Apple’s decision to remove the website that checks to see if an iOS device has been unlocked before you buy one from a 3rd party. I mean…crying. Like, “what do I do now?” and “How am I supposed to verify that Activation Lock has been turned off before I buy something online from a stranger?” Gee, let me think…

In one quick move, Apple has put a damper on 3rd party selling of Apple iOS devices. Quite brilliant when you think about it. This must have been an incredible tool for folks who steal iOS devices too. Pundits don’t seem to see the world beyond their keyboards unfortunately so most of the articles I’ve read this weekend where all about how this negatively impacts them.

My guess would be that a lot of the serial numbers that were used on the Activation Check site were actually reported stolen. I have to believe that Apple has a database of those serial numbers. Does Apple have a legal right to report the IP addresses of those lookups if they are linked to a stolen device? I have to believe they do. Lets assume for a second that as of this post, they do not.

Perhaps, they took the site down to add functionality that does just that.

In any event, Apple is always striving to expand the customer experience so if you think they are doing something to purposely adversely affect you, the user, then you are probably only fooling yourself.

I’m betting they are working on something that will make the experience better and help catch a few thieves along the way.

(image from macrumors.com)

Update: It seems that there was a pretty good reason for taking this down. Damn, I’m good.

3-D Printers Can Kill

This is not a joke. Apparently, they can give off enough CO2 to kill you if you don’t have adequate ventilation.

The source said that the couple was using a laser 3-D printer that was venting into their residence. Symptoms and signs consistent with carbon monoxide poisoning were found in their bodies.

You can read the story here.