Inflatable Rooms for Astronauts
via ABCNews…
The Dragon holds 7,000 pounds of freight, including the soft-sided compartment built by Bigelow Aerospace. The pioneering pod — packed tightly for launch — should swell to the size of a small bedroom once filled with air next month.
Twisty fusion reactor goes online after 19 years of work
I found this rather interesting via Engadget.
One Line Wisdom #2
Why would you want to watch a movie based on someone’s interpretation of Steve Jobs and his life when you can just watch Steve Jobs himself on YouTube?
Statement of the Week
The story that I found this little nugget of wisdom in is most certainly tragic. A mother killed herself and probably her son. The story seemed a bit unclear about that.
It’s not clear how the child’s mother got a gun into the hospital. Banner Health has a policy — which is posted at entrances — against carrying firearms and weapons into its facilities, Lozano said.
This makes it sound like either the poor mother didn’t know how to read or that signs will solve everything. Just post a sign and people will do exactly what it says.
Or, in this case…not.
Starting Over…Again
I really mean it this time.
For some reason, when I went to buy chipheadmike so many years ago it wasn't available.
I couldn't believe that some a**hole had decided to grab the name. I mean. Really. How many chipheadmikes could there actually be.
The other day, I decided to look again to see if it was available after 7 years or so and WHOLA! It indeed was available.
The next question was…what do I do with it?
I have decided to merge everything that I could find that I've ever written or posted online into one place.
That is what chipheadmike will be. A place to keep my stuff.
Starting Over
This blog has been around since 2008 or so.
I do not update it regularly.
I have decided to create something new. A new name with articles or columns that I write that have more to do with the writing world I am now apart of.
This new website will be a bunch more entertaining and I’m going to take some of the filters off. I will write about and post things that interest me whether they are too “bold” to post or not.
I’ve always tried to keep a super clean blog.
Sometimes, though, you just want to say bad words.
I’ll see ya’ll out there somewhere.