iPad Mini Logitech Keyboard Post

I just got the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Mini Case.

It is super small and this is the first typing I’ve done on it.

So far, not bad. Definitely something designed for the writer who needs to be able to quickly compose something on his/her Mini.

Some of the keys had to be combined with other keys to create a better typing experience. Once you get past that, it really isn’t bad. I can easily see myself typing out a short story and re-working a scene with the iPad Mini with this keyboard attached.

If you suffer from the “fat finger” thing then this keyboard is not for you.

Life Lesson #12

Never make a business appointment with someone for a specific time and then just not show up.

It’s never cool.

Updated: February 25, 2013

Update: I should probably post “why” its not cool. Its not cool because by being late you are saying to them “I do not value your time.” You can NEVER make the claim that you care about them because by being late or not showing up at all, you have already proven otherwise with your actions alone. ** Bitter content removed ** I had written an additional sentence or two but after reading through it this morning, I feel that it was a bit over the top. Being late for anything is one of my biggest pet peeves. You can almost completely control this event and by being late you also show that you have no control over events that you obviously should. Bottom line: being late shows a lot about the person who is late. None of them are positive.


Technical Projects

I am currently working on server type stuff. I realize that if I get much more technical than that, there will be a few folks whose heads may explode.

I enjoy the simplicity of Mac Server.

I do not enjoy the complexity of creating an internal ecosystem.

If you’ve read this and said to yourself “what the hell is he talking about?” #geekwin


Instapaper Roundup

These are some of the stories I found to be important enough to save to Instapaper.

Our paychecks just got 2% lighter.

Some folks would like to ban the term “fiscal cliff” from the English language.

A great bluetooth security idea for Apple computers.

That's all I have for this week.

Stay tuned. Coming up this week…I'm sure congress will do something stupid, someone will try to take someone else's rights away, and the United States (sans morality) will continue to spiral into the abyss of history as a great idea on paper but easily corruptable over time which leads to its inevitable failure.

Fieldrunners 2 for iPad

This game is my latest addiction on the iPad. This is not a game that you'll find yourself playing for a small amount of time. I'm always looking up at the clock and saying something like “damn!”

You can get the game here.

So 10 Days Later…

I haven't posted anything on here for 10+ days.

There is a good reason for that.

Ok, no there is not.

I have a new day time work schedule so maybe that has something to do with it.

Two Things That Piss Me Off

The lady that puts her hazardous lights on, gets out of her mini van in the middle of a busy road to collect mail from a roadside mailbox. The problem is that the lady doesn't just grab the mail and move along. No. She stands there in the road looking at each piece of mail. Hopefully, one day someone will run her fat ass over.

The media (call it mainstream if you'd like) but the media in general really pissed me off over this Sandy Hook school shooting. How many facts can you get wrong? Not only that but the sensationalizing and glorification of an evil cold-blooded child killer is wrong on any planet you may find yourself on. The media should be ashamed of itself for the way it covered this tragic event. Shame on you and I hope you burn in hell you pathetic pieces of shit.

Wow. I feel better.

Yes. Someone still needs to run the fat ass mail lady over. It just needs to happen.