This was a great find on YouTube.
Wondering Why Hiring Sucks?
I think with out the need to write more about the subject, the picture from today’s paper below demonstrates why it is so difficult to hire right now.
The company I work for goes through employees like shit through a goose. They hire 5 and the next day 3 leave. I’m not certain that the reason is so that they can say they’ve “tried” to find something.
For an employee who is not in managment, they make more money by not working. I have always felt that was the case but this chart puts those thoughts into a concrete form.
Why go to work when you can make more money by staying home? Probably also doesn’t hurt your need to feel safe from Covid as well.
Societal Concept
Since I write a lot of science fiction stories, I often wonder what would cause a civilization to never make it into space or not very far before the society collapses.
The collapse could be for any number of reasons.
Here is why I think the inhabitants of any planet can either kill the planet or as a people they thrive and reach out to the stars.
I believe this equation best describes it.
If you grow as a society faster than the rate of innovation, you die.
I think we are there. We’re producing shit tons of plastics that will have no where to go when we’re done with them. You could say “recycling” but you’d be wrong. Most plastic ends up either in the ocean or in a land fill. We could sure use an atomizer.
Too bad we didn’t invent one yet.
I grew up with sports.
I used to watch my favorite NFL football team play every weekend and couldn’t wait for the Super Bowl. I remember getting depressed after the All-Star game because I knew there would be no football until next season.
I actually liked the XFL and I loved that it filled the gap of the missing NFL. It only lasted for a season which sucked royal money balls.
I turned 50 and something happened. I’m not sure exactly what it was but I started to not care as much about football as I once did. I’m pretty sure the enormous salaries had something to do with it. I’m sure making teams change their name because someone is “offended” may also have something to do with it. I think it was the money mostly.
Right now, the Washington Redskins don’t even know who the hell they are. The people that are offended aren’t even the people that are supposed to be offended. The real Redskins (the Indians for you new people) don’t give a fuck.
When the coronavirus hit, sports because the last thing on Earth that people actually cared about and I was ok with that. I guess it took the pandemic for me to realize just how insignificant sports really is. The sports went away for a period of time and everything was ok.
This is from an article in today’s paper.
First of all, these kids did NOT lose everything last year. They are still fucking alive aren’t they? You fucking moron.
Everyone didn’t die. The newspaper was a lot more fun to read for me because the sports section (if it was in the paper at all) was only a page or half of a page.
To sum up this article…
…fuck sports.
If I am hot and sweaty and I decide to wear something that lets my upper body breathe (mostly talking about my tits), why do men automatically think that by the act of wearing said garment I am advertising that I am available?
If I am walking through a mall and see a guy wearing shorts rocking a nice cock outline, I don’t automatically think he is wearing it to pick up women. He might be. I don’t assume that.
For my 1st post with Mike’s website, I thought I’d write about something that always pisses me off.
Assumptions about my availability piss me off. Based on what I am wearing? Really?
I love men.
But, sometimes I don’t.
This post may or may not have been “triggered” by a recent trip to the store.
Company Leaks
Apple has had a really hard time to leaks to the press or other sources before a major announcement.
There are a lot of people that thrive on rumors and want to speculate about what the next big thing will be.
These same people may also not understand why leaking things to the public ahead of an event is bad.
If I am an engineer and I have worked to develop a product that I am proud of. Even if it’s something I am not entirely proud of, the fact remains that I’ve probably put a lot of time and effort into it.
I think as the engineer, I deserve to be able to present the work I’ve done my way. In Apple’s case, it would be a big press event. I should think that I am the person who deserves to show what I’ve done to others and not some publication, journalist, or an armchair technology quarterback.
When you release this information ahead of the engineering team’s expectation, you are literally robbing them of their moment in the sun. A moment that is sorely and richly deserved. They earned it. The person who writes about the leaked information has not earned anything. They were given information that can either chose to act on or chose to not act on. It is entirely their decision.
The person who releases the information has malicious intentions whether they feel that they do or not. That information is not yours to present. You didn’t “earn” the right to do so.
And that, makes the leakers and the people that present those leaks to the public lower then dog shit on the evolutionary scale.
Flashbacks were the subject of a course that I am taking on fictional writing.
I have used them in the things that I have written but I admit, I use them sparingly. They can be a great tool but they can also make the story unwatchable or unreadable.
Case in point.
DC’s Arrowverse.
I had to stop watching the show because every show has an incredible amount of flashbacks in it.
It is a great example of what not to do. At least, in my opinion.
The show could have been greater without it.
A Comment About Time
I had a rather interesting thought today about why I may become bothered when I get a call or a text or an email or an instant message outside of normal working hours.
I think the answer is a perceived “give” and “take.”
For example, I am giving the company I work for 12 hours.
If anyone contacts me outside of those 12 hours, it may feel like they are “taking” or “stealing” my time.
They obviously are not. The work needs to get done and not everyone in the world is on my schedule.
I always enjoy taking a moment and trying to figure out why I might be feeling the way that I do. As I get older, it is a more practiced exercise that I enjoy.
When I was younger, probably not so much.
It is roughly 17 degrees Fahrenheit.
For you types that use the Celsius scale, that would be -8.333 degrees.
I’m happy to see that things are still capable of cooling down with all of this global warming going on.
NSFW in a Covid-19 Era
What does NSFW mean? It stands for Not Safe for Work. This generally refers to nudity.
You certainly wouldn’t want your boss to see that you are looking at explicit photos while you are at work, would you? Normally, it isn’t even an issue. You generally don’t go through your work day looking at nude pictures, porn, or other such things.
If you work from home, does NSFW apply to you?
Just thinking out loud this morning.
Why did I choose the picture I did for this post. Two words. Great. Furniture.