
Profound Wisdom

I have another fine quotable from myself.

In speaking to a young couple about what they have versus what their neighbor’s have. In other words, they have a nice house and I wish we could have a house like that.

The only difference between you and the neighbor’s down the street is the decisions you’ve made.

Yes. Utterly profound. Indeed.

Hell – I Found It

There is nothing I loathe more than political discussion. Using the word “discussion” is usually putting it mildly.

While I was waiting for my ride to work yesterday, I was in a really bad position. I had to stand at the door and look out for my ride to show up so I couldn’t really go anywhere. It was too cold to just stand outside and wait or I would have.

Another person in my house came down stairs and sat in the kitchen with his phone on speaker talking to another person about…wait for it…you guessed it. Fucking politics.

If the door would have been made of glass, I would have thrown myself through it. It would have been a more pleasant experience.

The very definition of hell for me is being forced to listen to anyone talk about politics. I went into work feeling dirty after that.

True story.


Since this is my website I can write about whatever I feel like writing about. Today, I’d like to say a few things about learning.

I used to have a membership to a weird little website called Lynda.com. I found it because some of the Photoshop podcasts I followed would often advertise that they had more content on Lynda.com. It was a weird name so I stayed away until one day, I didn’t.

I signed up and began learning all kinds of things. It was mostly technical and had a lotto do with work related applications but it was a place you could go and learn pretty much anything.

And then LinkedIn, a site that I didn’t really like although I can’t remember why bought Lynda.com. I was almost devastated but I quickly got over it as the site kept the logo and all was good. It did hound me to upgrade to LinkedIn Learning which I ignored for a very large amount of time, until I didn’t.

I am using LinkedIn Learning now and I really like it. I exceed my goal of 120 minutes of learning time every week. One week, I ended up with over 400 minutes.

This isn’t a paid advertisement but if you are so inclined. I would recommend them.

Aliens: Come and Get It!

This is my #1 reason why I think aliens will have an easy time of conquering our planet should the need arise.

A vast majority of the human race whole heartedly believes (sights unseen) in completely made up and imaginary things. That makes them gullible as a species and deserving of eradication. Humans are simply too stupid to exist in the grander universe at large.

The #2 reason is that the human monkeys kill each other. It is difficult to say which should be #1 and which should be #2. They are both just as bad.

People say that we should focus on the good things about humanity. To me, that is like asking the same thing when talking about a serial killer. For example “sure, he killed 15 people but he donated to charities.”

As I was searching for a picture for this post, I found this…

In conclusion, aliens should invade and conquer us at their earliest convenience or at the very least, hurl a huge asteroid our way.

Thank you in advance.

What Today Feels Like

Today feels like…

…we’ve been chased around the neighborhood by a bully who has a large super soaker. He is shooting everyone he finds.

Everyone is wet and no one is happy.

Then, one morning the old man down the street sticks out his leg as the bully runs by. The bully trips and falls and breaks both legs.

In fact, the bully becomes paralyzed. He can no longer run around terrorizing anyone.

Everybody is relieved that they will no longer be soaked by the bully.

The old man is a hero.

The inauguration today. It’s like that.

Wonder Woman 1984

I am not watching Wonder Woman 1984.

It’s not that I don’t like the franchise. I think Gal Gadot is perfect for the role. I loved the first movie.

I’m not watching Wonder Woman because I can NOT BUY Wonder Woman. I don’t give a fuck about HBO Max and I’m not signing up just so I can watch one fucking movie. It is fucking ridiculous.

I was completely shocked that for the first time in a very long time, I couldn’t just BUY a movie.

Fuck you Hollywood. If that is the business model you want to go with good luck with that.

I will always gladly either watch or rent a movie but I sure as fuck won’t be made to use a service that I wouldn’t otherwise piss on just to watch a goddamn movie.

Warner Media can eat a bag of dicks for all I give a fuck. They completely ruined the experience for me.

You want to vindicate yourself?

Let people buy it. You fucksticks.

I’m not bitter. Just have a strong opinion on this one folks.

The Big Bang Hang-Up

I saw an article this morning about a new telescope that is supposed to aid in our understanding of the “Big Bang” theory. You can read it here.

As an official scientific community armchair quarterback, I can honestly wonder to myself out loud “who gives a rat’s ass?” Our focus shouldn’t be on something that you are never going to solve in your lifetime. As a scientist, I think your focus should be on the here and now.

You are never going to understand the origins of something that you are completely removed from. The example I would use is someone who decides that he wants to clear a bunch of land on his farm. Cows are displaced. Will they ever know why? No. No they will not.

Why? You ask. Let’s assume for a moment that the cow has a mind of its own and can think rationally. Some dude in the next state over who happens to own the farm decided one day that he wanted to clear that particular patch of land. Is the reasoning cow ever going to know why he was displaced? Probably not.

The cow isn’t even near the source of information that might tell him why he was moved.

In the case of the “Big Bang” theory, we aren’t anywhere near anything that could help us figure out that level of detail. We would need to collect samples from other regions of the universe and so forth. We can’t do that.