sh&* Mike Says


I have not posted on this site in quite some time. There are reasons. I’m not sure what those reasons are.

It has more to do with the fact that I am simply not writing as much as I used to. I guess I’m filling my time with more programming related things because it is fun and I get something out of it. Additionally, it helps me as far as my daytime job is concerned.

I won’t promise that I’ll write or post more often.

I have no idea.

Half Assing Science

I think that any scientist working on the climate has preconceived notions. We may call that an agenda but I don’t think I’d go quite that far.

Climate warming or Global Warming is a dynamic issue for two reasons.

  1. It depends on population. Let’s face it. If I get rid of half of the world’s population then this instantaneously becomes a much different discussion where the scientific numbers will fall right back in line with what scientists “think” they should be.

  2. The planet’s weather system is dynamic. That means that it may be warm during the 1970s in summer time but much colder in the 2000s. What most reports leave out is the fact that while some place in the world is getting warmer there is also a place that is getting much colder. One pole is losing ice. Well, the other pole is gaining it.

Water levels rising is temporary and wouldn’t be the first time.

My personal feeling on these matters is that as humans, we have a complete misunderstanding of a much bigger picture that scientists simply cannot get their head around.

Why I wrote the article is here.

Profound Wisdom

I have another fine quotable from myself.

In speaking to a young couple about what they have versus what their neighbor’s have. In other words, they have a nice house and I wish we could have a house like that.

The only difference between you and the neighbor’s down the street is the decisions you’ve made.

Yes. Utterly profound. Indeed.


This is a true story.

Residents of an Austrian village will ring in the new year under a new name – Fugging – after ridicule of their signposts, especially on social media, became too much to bear.

They finally grew weary of Fucking, its current name, which some experts say dates back to the 11th century.

If I lived anywhere near there, this would be me…

Increasing numbers of English-speaking tourists have made a point of stopping in to snap pictures of themselves by the signpost at the entrance to the village, sometimes striking lascivious poses for social media.

The Annoyed Beta Tester

I found this and couldn’t help but comment on it.

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My reply to this thread is below. Irritation, annoyance, and frustration are the very definition of what beta testers must go through. You are signing up to put up with it so I get a little irritated myself when I see people whine about it.

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