Faraday Cage Tour
My First Markdown Post!
Well, it took a while to get this working correctly.
I am listening to a fantastic audiobook. The Grey Man: On Target
If you love James Bond style thrillers, you’ll love the series.
I spent most of the night getting Markdown to behave the way I want it to with my self-hosted WordPress blog.
Anyway, pretty excited that I got this to work.
Inner Monologue
Me: What are you thinking about eating for lunch today.
Me: Pool.
Me: Excellent choice sir. (voice of a butler)
State of the Mike
I haven’t written a 15 in the AM post in quite a long time. Gee, what to write about…
I walked outside this morning to drain my pool. In the process, poison found me and my leg and arm are itching. I do not like poison.
I can’t believe how much junk was in my home office drawers. Ok. Maybe, I can imagine it since I am obviously the one who put it there.
Cats are extortionists. They just are.
Netflix is making a movie out of the Gray Man book series. I recently added these to my Audible collection. Although I haven’t read them yet, a co-worker says they are good. The Russo brothers are directing which makes the movie prospect even better.
I have to work on a clients computer system today. I don’t know if I’d classify it as a fun time because of all of the added security in macOS. I could get frustrated and want to throw something.
Did I mention that I have a pool and I like it? Sure, I have to drain it and clean it every few weeks but who cares? It is a pool!
That is all I have for now. These are fun for me.