iPad Appreciation

iPad Appreciation

I usually manage this website using my laptop or my iMac. I needed to change the current book I am reading and thought it would be a good time to test the ability of the iPad Pro I use. It is not the latest one but it still packs a good punch when it comes to getting work done.

I am not using the traditional style keyboard to write this post. Just the touch screen keyboard. To properly post a new book, I need to grab some artwork for the book, load that via FTP to my website, and then add the book details to the plugin I use. This was all easily accomplished by just using my iPad.

Sometimes I forget just what a wondrous device this truly can be. Even the spell checking works really well and substitutes words effortlessly. My iPad Pro is a machine I use mostly for playing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms but it is capable of so much more. You could draw pictures. You could, maybe. I cannot. I have the pencil but not the required skills to really draw anything. That is ok. I think I do much better at writing.

You’re not my dad, Apple

Great article today by the Macalope.

Apple’s banning of vaping apps, of course, does not affect the Macalope at all. And he’d never want Apple to risk the security of iOS by allowing any app into the store. But adults should be able to make adult choices. The Macalope would rather be able to make them without having to switch to Android to do it. He’s certainly not going to do that. His lifestyle of donuts and drinking is dangerous enough.


Agree. I think Apple is protecting itself but from outside of Cupertino it looks a lot like adulting from someone other than an adult.

Still Reading…

…the same book since October 18th. I feel bad about it however, it is quite busy around Castle Nerda.

I’ve read that blog confessions are good for the soul or something like that.