It’s Thursday!

European 21st Century Dictators

or The European Union — either title fits. This morning 9 to 5 Mac posted a story about the standards that Netflix and Amazon Prime Video will have to meet in order to be able to function in the European economy.

Streaming video services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video will soon have to ensure that at least 30% of the programming offered in Europe is produced in EU countries …

via 9 to 5 Mac

The rules and regulations they create are enormous and ridiculous. If we are lucky, Netflix will throw its hands up and say that it is monetarily not worth the effort and pull out of Europe. That is my hope.

Labor Day!

Most folks celebrate Labor Day by not working. For the last several years, our company has had to work on Labor Day.

Not this year.

I get the opportunity to be off and write scathing articles about whatever the fonk I want. I started a short story about a young boy versus the universe and a cookie jar. Perhaps, I’ll finish the first draft.

Saturday, I ripped out all of the cabling in the office and re-ran everything. I ended up with a boxful of cabling that I obviously didn’t need. I probably should have done that years ago. I was most happy to resurrect the Heineken sign that I’ve had for about seven years.

Heineken LED Lamp circa 2011
Office after excessive cable removal

Random Twitter

Some things I found interesting on Twitter this morning…

Reuters Gets Me

LONDON (Reuters) – Fans of Michael Jackson honored the “King of Pop” on what would have been his 60th birthday on Wednesday by gathering at a temporary monument in the shape of a crown erected in his honor in London.

Story is here.

Golden Rules of Parenting

  1. Teach your children to NOT be victims.
  2. Teach your children to be fiercely independent/interdependent.
  3. Allow them to discover their own spirtuality.
  4. Teach your children to be responsible for their own actions.

If you do those three things, your child will grow up to be an exceptional person.

Update: The last entry was suggested to me by a co-worker so I added it to the list. I think my original thought process was to assume that this dovetailed into number 2. She did not agree and looking back at it, she is probably correct.

The Socialist Country formally known as Australia!

Australia is proposing a new law that would put you in jail for ten years for refusing to unlock your phone.

The Australian government wants to force companies to help it get at suspected criminals’ data. If they can’t, it would jail people for up to a decade if they refuse to unlock their phones. The country’s Assistance and Access Bill, introduced this week for public consultation, strengthens the penalties for people who refuse to unlock their phones for the police. Under Australia’s existing Crimes Act, judges could jail a person for two years for not handing over their data. The proposed Bill extends that to up to ten years, arguing that the existing penalty wasn’t strong enough…

via Slashdot

I think the existing two year penalty is bad enough.

China or Australia…starting to look like the same country to me.

However, Australian women are gorgeous so there’s that.