Yeah Instagram — About That…

Reporting on Non-Existing Consumer Products

The one thing I absolutely love about Apple is that they don’t announce something that they don’t have. You might not be able to buy it for a few months until production ramps up and they gauge how many units they can sell, but they’ve presented a REAL item.

Having said that, Stanford University is working on/developing a new type of battery storage. It is not ready to be purchased — hell, it may not even work on the scale they think it will so my question is — why report it?

There is plenty of “pie in the sky” in the article. It could do this…It might mean this…

There is even a COULD in the article’s title “Liquid metal battery could lower cost of storing renewable energy.” …and if your Grandmother had wheels she’d be a wagon.

Drums, Drums, and More Drums

I’ve switched to a Yamaha electronic drum set for practicing but I do plan on breaking this set out sometime soon.

There is no substitute for acoustic.

Update: 7.24.2018 – I’ve set the drums backup again right next to the electronic Yamaha kit. The drums are made by Pacific Drums and Percussion which is actually a division of DW (Drum Works).

Data Port Lock Down in 3..2..1

Apple. You brilliant bastard.

Let’s see you get around that one GrayKey.

Yes. I have written about this before. It just keeps getting better. Apple initially reduced the time that the data port could be active without a passcode to about a week. In iOS 12, the port was locked down after an hour. In the latest Beta (version 4), well…it is off unless you unlock it with a passcode which is what GrayKey can produce if only it had access to the data port…which it now — does not.

<insert hysterical laughter here>

iPhone Wish Feature

What I want is simple. If you call me and you are not in my contact list — your call should either be dropped or sent directly to voicemail. No ringing. I should have control over that function in settings and it should be ON by default.

If you are truly trying to get in touch with me then a voicemail message will confirm that and I can add you to my contacts list.

This isn’t rocket science and the amount of telemarketing calls has sky rocketed in the past couple of years.

It has become so bad that people no longer want to answer their phones and just prefer text messages and IMs.

Telemarketing is ruining healthy communication.

Yeah, I said it.

Jailed for not unlocking Phones

– It started out as a civil rights battle in a Tampa courtroom, and now a cell phone password might be a defendant’s key to freedom.

A judge threw William Montanez behind bars for failing to unlock his phones Thursday, which wasn’t how Montanez or his attorney expected their day in court to end.

“Basically, my client has been denied his liberty today without due process,” said attorney Patrick Leduc.

This guy has balls. Big. Huge. Balls. He is right, of course. The court has no reason to look at the man’s personal property outside of the case at hand. They are over-reaching, at the least. I’m sure lawyers out there will say the opposite but fonk them shizznods.

I don’t think I would have told them I forgot it. I would have told them simply, “No. You may not have the passcode to my phone(s). The reason? They don’t belong to you. They are personal property. Mine — and they are not yours therefore, you may not fonking have them. In fact, I may go so far as to say YOU are stealing. You know — since you took something that doesn’t belong to you.”

Disclaimer: I am not qualified to dispense legal advise but…I should be.

iPhone Survives 1000 ft Drop

via Apple Insider

According to WHO TV in Iowa the woman, Sarvinder Naberhaus, assumed the phone was gone, but upon landing she tried the Find My iPhone feature in an attempt to locate it. It didn’t work the first time, but before going to buy a new phone, she tried once more.

That second try, it turned out, was successful. After following the trail for a while, Naberhaus spotted the phone in tall grass in a residential neighborhood, without a scratch, while displaying a notification about an upcoming meeting.

“I literally went into shock,” said the second passenger Donna Johnson. “‘I asked this is this for real? Is that the same phone?'” and I said ‘this is a miracle phone, you can’t drop a phone 1000 feet and have it still work!'”

Naberhouse, the author of multiple books, told the TV station that incident is proof that “God has a sense of humor.”

I’m not sure about the last sentence. I would chalk this up to great engineering which actually, could have been influenced by the almighty.