Floating Pacific Islands Free From Government

Floating Pacific Islands Free From Government

This is a pretty cool idea.

If you’re struggling to do business or just live under your country’s administration, a movement of philanthropists, academics and investors is working on a very sci-fi alternative.

I like the concept and when it comes to overreaching government regulations. I have always felt like I am in the minority or that other folks just don’t care enough.

“If you don’t want to live under a particular government, people will be able to just take their house and float away to another island.”-Nathalie Mezza-Garcia, Floating Island Project

I was thinking about retiring in St. Thomas but this might be a better idea.

Take That Media dot Org

This is the big project I’ll be working on for at least 6 months. The plan is to put a complete archive of all of our shows on the site. We’ve done literally thousands of podcasts over a ten year period and it will all be up for your listening pleasure.

The goal is to have the site ready to go by November 2018. I thought I could get this done by the summer but I’m not holding my breath.

Great Quote

Movie quote from Anon on Netflix.

“It is not that I have something to hide. I just have things I don’t want you to see.”

Biohacker – Good News and Bad News

Good News: The CEO who injected himself with an untested Herpes cure back in February lived to tell the story.

Bad News: The CEO who injected himself with an untested Herpes cure back in February lived to tell the story — until May.

Full story here.

Additionally…he could also have played Kylo Ren. He looks a little like Adam Driver.

Government Assumption – Fire Zones

Government in general usually makes a lot of assumptions when it comes to knowledge that the citizens should or should not have.

Fire zones are just one of the many examples.

What the hell does that even mean? How the hell would any of us know what a fire zone is and why would we?

It is meaningless bullshit that only the retarded government worker who came up with it knows. Not everyone is a fire fighter and not everyone knows what these stupid idiotic retarded zones mean.

Whomever invented them. Fuck. You.


HAM Radio for April 30, 2018

Great conversation tonight about a variety of topics.

Everything from flipping your vehicle over to speeding to television issues.

Happy to hear that the HAM radio world is also populated with women and not necessarily a male dominated thing.

The conversation is wonderful.