Election Prediction

I’m sure we’ll see a lot of folks go on Tuesday.

Rightfully so.

We’ll have to sit and listen to all of the conservative pundits talk about how “great” their predictions were and how they “knew” this would happen…blah…blah…and blah.

In a bad economy, the controlling party is always going to be the loser. That is all I need to know.

No need to predict the blatantly obvious.

The one good thing that will come out of all of this will happen when the newly elected members enter congress and apply the brakes to this out of control socialism. We may not see any real repeals take place until 2012 when Obama will more than likely get booted out. You can’t ignore the electorate and expect to have those same people give you another term.

Until they take office, the old guard can still do a crap ton (technical term) of damage.

Just remember the shape they left the national mall in the last time they had a “rally.”

The line that defines what congress can and can’t do has been moved so many times that it’s hard to figure out where it’s supposed to be.

As Glenn Beck pointed out on his show last night ‘people have lost faith in other people.’ I’m paraphrasing but you get the idea.

As hard as it is to grasp, we’ll probably need a 3rd party to gain control of the house, senate, and white house in order to fix most of the problems that we have and basically repeal decades of legislation that completely harmed America. Let’s face it. The Republicans and Democrats caused all of this. They also wrote legislation and rules that are conducive to keeping them in power.

If you doubt what I’ve just said, look up the rules for a Presidential debate.
