HDWGH – Story 28 – Just Wading Around

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: The Perkins family stood outside of their house as water flowed out of the front door and into the street in front of their house. The house sat in the middle of a cul de sac so, all of the neighbors had a front row seat to the birth of the “Perkins River” as it would come to be known in the late edition of the local newspaper.

Before: Todd Perkins and his little brother Tony knew better than to throw the football in the house. Over the years, they had broken their fair share of living room furniture including a vase that their grandmother had passed down through the generations. They had just finished watching their famous team play and felt like tossing the football around. It was raining outside so tossing the ball around in the house had been the only option for them as they saw it. There was another stupid option to “not” through the ball in the house but the boys didn’t much care for that option.

Tony threw Todd a pass that quite frankly was a little too wobbly. Todd still made the attempt to catch it but it got by him and sailed into there kitchen. He heard it bounce of something and land in the middle of the floor. At this point, the boys felt like they had pushed their luck and decided to stop throwing the ball inside the house.

It was about 2:00 am when the kitchen sink facet had decided to come loose after being jarred earlier by the football. There was a sound of metal hitting the tile floor and then the water began gushing out onto the floor. No one heard the water. It wasn’t until momma Perkins made her way downstairs in the morning that the full effect could be appreciated. There was screaming, some yelling, and momma Perkins may have peed herself a little.
